I have Traefik reverse proxy running to allow a couple of docker containerized apps to run on the same domain just to learn about running multiple containers following https://www.smarthomebeginner.com/traefik-reverse-proxy-tutorial-for-docker. Everything works well. I want to install Device Hive to test it as an IOT platform, but it has multiple containers and it's own nginx proxy and docker-compose file https://github.com/devicehive/devicehive-docker/blob/master/rdbms-image/docker-compose.yml.
Is there a way I can add the Device Hive platform to my existing Traefik build or is it more trouble than its worth. I wondering, more or less while making sure I'm not having a port conflict, if there's an easy way to have Traefik point a subdomain(subdomains are used for the other apps) to the 80/443 ports of the nginx proxy, and just have everything work. My other option is to create another VM for the IOT platform.
I may be searching with the wrong terms but I haven't really found an answer. AnyAny help?
Note: I want to use Device Hive on my existing server which is appreciatedusing Traefik. When I look at the docker compose file for Device Hive I don't see how I could change it to leave Nginx out.