A common scenario is two or more services behind a reverse proxy, typically each deployed in a container:

| service 1 |          | service 2 |
           \            /
            \          /
             \        /
             | Proxy  |

Now the two services want to talk to each other. What are the pros/cons of:

  1. Talking directly to each other?
  2. Going through the reverse proxy?

Is there any standard best practice? Any potential security concerns?

2 Answers 2


The question is: why use a proxy to communicate both applications? What is the point or target (support SSL, security, availability between services?

In any case, you need 2 proxies, one in each app, in front of each application, it is the best way to use it.

You can also use tunnels, like SSH tunnel or Stunnel that support TLS

  • You've described a service mesh almost. Apr 8, 2021 at 18:53
  • OP's scenario is basically the main motivation behind service meshes
    – Layman
    Apr 9, 2021 at 14:07

Your challenges are:

  • Service discovery (usually DNS-based, but there are other approaches)
  • Load balancing for multiple instances of services (server-side with a load balancer, or client-side with smart service discovery)
  • Encryption/TLS
  • Retry and circuit breaker

There are few patterns

  • API Gateway routing traffic for API calls not only for external traffic but also internally. Sometimes useful, but there are situations when you expose a "public" API through the gateway only, but not the "private" APIs that are internal-only
  • A service mesh (Istio, LinkerD) - a sidecar is added to each service that is technically a reverse proxy (Envoy) and will handle mTLS/encryption, authentication, tracing, logging, circuit breaker, load balancing etc. The control plane of a service mesh keeps all proxies in sync.
  • Point-to-point communication with client-side load balancing (or none in a simplest situation)

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