Why do I get this error with Terraform,
The provider hashicorp/aws does not support resource type "aws_internet_gateway_attachment".
You can see the resource aws_internet_gateway_attachment
defined in the docs. The full error is,
│ Error: Invalid resource type
│ on main.tf line 26, in resource "aws_internet_gateway_attachment" "example":
│ 26: resource "aws_internet_gateway_attachment" "example" {
│ The provider hashicorp/aws does not support resource type "aws_internet_gateway_attachment".
this is the hdl I'm using
resource "aws_internet_gateway_attachment" "example" {
internet_gateway_id = aws_internet_gateway.gw.id
vpc_id = aws_vpc.main.id
I'm using version 3.75.1 of the AWS provider.