I'm migrating a chunk of applications to k8s. Some of them have large amounts of config files which are best held in GIT as their size exceeds the max size for configmaps. I have a simple git-sync image which I can configure to keep a persistent volume in sync with a git repository and had hoped to use it as a sidecar in some deployments.
Here's the crux. Some applications (like vendor apps that I can't control) require the configuration files to be there before the application starts. This means I can't just run the git-sync container as a sidecar as there's no guarantee it will have cloned the git repo before the main app starts. I've worked around this by having a separate deployment for the git sync and then having an initContainer for my main application which checks for the existence of the cloned git repo before starting.
This works but it feels a little messy. Any thoughts on a cleaner approach to this?
Here's a yaml snippet of my deployments:
- name: wait-for-git-sync
image: my-git-sync:1.0
command: ["/bin/bash"]
args: [ "-c", "until [ -d /myapp-config/stuff ] ; do echo \"config not present yet\"; sleep 1; done; exit;" ]
- mountPath: /myapp-config
name: myapp-config
- name: myapp
image: myapp:1.0
- mountPath: /myapp-config
name: myapp-config
- name: myapp-config
claimName: myapp-config
- name: myapp-git-sync
image: my-git-sync:1.0
- name: GIT_REPO
value: ssh://mygitrepo
- name: SYNC_DIR
value: /myapp-config/stuff
- mountPath: /myapp-config
name: myapp-config
- name: myapp-config
claimName: myapp-config