Do you think these commands are valid?

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/input-output-hk/cardano-wallet/master/docker-compose.yml
NETWORK=testnet docker-compose up

The first command downloads the .yml file. However, when I try to run the second command, node complains about NETWORK=testnet not being a valid. Here is the error printout:

enter image description here

Is there anybody here who could point out what I am not understanding and make it work? The link to this particular set of commands can be found here: https://developers.cardano.org/docs/get-started/cardano-wallet-js/

  • 1
    Yes, the commands are valid when run in a bash shell. Please show your actual output and errors. It's difficult to debug "something like that".
    – BMitch
    Commented Jan 10, 2023 at 1:06
  • Hey @BMitch, thanks for dropping by. I updated the question to include the error printout. So, basically, when I run "NETWORK=testnet docker-compose up" in a PowerShell terminal, I get an error. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
    – J.O.C
    Commented Jan 10, 2023 at 1:52
  • @BMitch, ahhh. Nevermind. It runs on ubuntu. However, the compose file is invalid. So, the commands work but the file is invalid. Thanks!
    – J.O.C
    Commented Jan 10, 2023 at 2:36
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1 Answer 1


NETWORK=testnet docker-compose up

This syntax is assuming a bash or similar shell. It defines an environment variable and runs the command with that variable exported. It's similar to (but not the same as) running:

export NETWORK=testnet
docker-compose up

Since you appear to be running this on Windows, I believe the equivalent there is:

set NETWORK=testnet
docker-compose up
  • That makes sense now. I was also able to run the code successfully. Thank you for your help, @BMitch!
    – J.O.C
    Commented Jan 11, 2023 at 6:02

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