I am trying to deploy a statefulSet that will use static volume provisioning (claim existing PVs) based on their label. However, it seems that the persistentvolume-controller is trying to provision storage dynamically, as when I kubectl desribe pvc db-data-db-N the Events log states that:

  Type       Reason              Age               From                         Message
  ----       ------              ----              ----                         -------
  Warning    ProvisioningFailed  9s (x3 over 21s)  persistentvolume-controller  Failed to provision volume with StorageClass "db-data-storage": claim.Spec.Selector is not supported for dynamic provisioning on AWS

I have pre-provisioned PVs with this format (I am using Helm):

kind: PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
  name: db-data-{{ $volIndex }}
    restoredFromBackup: "true"
    storage: 30Gi
  - ReadWriteOnce
    volumeID: {{ $volId }}
    fsType: ext4

Here is my PVC template:

  - metadata:
      name: db-data
      accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
          storage: 30Gi
          restoredFromBackup: "true"

1 Answer 1


Did you try by specifying a storageClassName since Kubernetes will be using default storage class when it's not specified? See Dynamic Provisioning of the blog post and Dynamic from Kubernetes documentation? Or try with by removing the default storageclass in the cluster to explicitly use given PV and PVC configuration.

  • Thank you, this was the case - the Cluster had a default StorageClass which was getting used and forcing the PVC to be dynamic. Once I configured there to be no default storageClass then the issue was resolved.
    – maze
    Commented May 5, 2020 at 10:19
  • Good to know that was the issue, please accept the answer if you will.
    – cnu
    Commented May 5, 2020 at 21:05
  • I didn't mark it (yet) because the first part is misleading, implying that a StorageClass is required. "Did you try by specifying a storageClassName".
    – maze
    Commented May 7, 2020 at 6:54
  • Ok, I will edit the answer to add clarity about removing the default SC.
    – cnu
    Commented May 7, 2020 at 14:42

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