I'm trying to set up a process to release a web app with helm
in my company and I can't find a satisfying way.
Basically each for each push in a feature branch, I want to:
- Build a docker image and push it to a registry
- Upgrade the app through
Step 1 is easy, we keep the Dockerfile in the sources, which makes sense because it allows developers to test the docker image and the CI can also build the image and push it automatically.
Step 2: I'm not sure. I was told it could be interesting to keep track of the deployment history and therefore to update the helm chart version for each deployment which seems do-able but I'm not sure I see the point because helm history
already provides the info I guess?
Also it forces the CI to actually commit and push the new chart version itself!
My idea was to keep the helm chart in a separate repository with all our charts and to just use keep track of the changes of the chart but nothing to do with any deployments so: the CI could basically build the docker image, push it, clone the helm repository and do the following:
helm upgrade $APP_NAME --set image.tag=$APP_VERSION ./path/to/chart
(with APP_VERSION being auto generated and matching the docker build tag)
I haven't seen this approach when reading about it, most people seems to keep their app version up to date in their helm charts and I'm wondering how is that supposed to work for continuous deployment?