I wrote an Ansible role which does lots of things, it's called "common" and all Ansible hosts are using it.
The directory structure is as follows:
│ ├── ./common/README.md
│ ├── ./common/defaults
│ │ └── ./common/defaults/main.yml
│ ├── ./common/handlers
│ │ └── ./common/handlers/main.yml
│ ├── ./common/meta
│ │ └── ./common/meta/main.yml
│ ├── ./common/tasks
│ │ ├── ./common/tasks/base_packages.yml
│ │ ├── ./common/tasks/iptables.yml
│ │ ├── ./common/tasks/locale.yml
│ │ ├── ./common/tasks/main.yml
│ │ ├── ./common/tasks/pip.yml
│ │ ├── ./common/tasks/pip_packages.yml
│ │ ├── ./common/tasks/python.yml
│ │ ├── ./common/tasks/python2_centos6.yml
│ │ ├── ./common/tasks/python3_centos6.yml
│ │ ├── ./common/tasks/repo.yml
│ │ ├── ./common/tasks/selinux.yml
│ │ ├── ./common/tasks/time.yml
│ │ ├── ./common/tasks/vim.yml
│ │ └── ./common/tasks/yum.yml
│ ├── ./common/templates
│ │ ├── ./common/templates/chrony.conf.j2
│ │ └── ./common/templates/ntp.conf.j2
│ ├── ./common/tests
│ │ ├── ./common/tests/inventory
│ │ └── ./common/tests/test.yml
│ └── ./common/vars
│ └── ./common/vars/main.yml
main.yml looks like so:
# tasks file for common
- name: python installation on centos 6 machines
- import_tasks: python2_centos6.yml
- import_tasks: python3_centos6.yml
when: ansible_distribution_major_version == "6"
- import_tasks: python.yml
when: ansible_distribution_major_version == "7"
- import_tasks: pip.yml
- import_tasks: pip_packages.yml
- import_tasks: repo.yml
- import_tasks: yum.yml
- import_tasks: selinux.yml
- import_tasks: base_packages.yml
- import_tasks: iptables.yml
when: ansible_distribution_major_version == "7"
#- import_tasks: time.yml
- import_tasks: locale.yml
- import_tasks: vim.yml
The playbook that I'm currently running:
# local_slave_playbook_c6.yml
- hosts: localhost
ansible_user_shell: /bin/bash
gather_facts: true
- common
- consul-client
- hosts
#- node-exporter
- cron
- jenkins-slave
While I run the "common" role on a server, I want to know which imported_tasks file is currently running for debug matters. So for example, while Ansible "takes care" for the installation of base packages, I want to add "base_packages.yml" to the title of the task.
I looked through the list of Ansible special variables but couldn't find the variable that I need.
There is one special variable that looks right "{{ ansible_play_name }}" but that gives me "localhost".