Our current operations consists of three servers: QA is a playground for devs to try out new features; Platform is the live customer facing application; Mock is a copy of Platform and functions as a staging area for new releases to be tested before release to Platform.
Our branching strategy follows these three servers. There is a QA branch for the QA server, Mock branch for Mock, Master for Platform. When a new feature is requested, a feature branch is branched off Master to be developed on a devs local machine. Once the feature is complete, the feature branch is merged into the QA branch for testing/approval. When release time comes around, we pick out all the approved feature branches and merge them into the Mock branch for final release testing. After release testing the Mock branch is tagged as the next version and merged into Platform.
The main issue that we have been dealing with using this strategy is that devs who finish a feature will accidentally branch off the newly finished (or sometimes still in progress) feature branch instead of the Master branch when moving on to the next feature. This means that when approved features are added into Mock for final release review, they can often carry along unapproved features as they sit in the same feature branch.
Is there an automated way to go through each feature branch to check that no other feature branches are in its history since the last release tag? I can do this manually (which I do occasionally) but that becomes cumbersome. I can also make my own script to see if any branches share the same commit since the last git tag if such automation doesn't exist.
I am not trained in DevOps - if you see a glaring issue with this dev cycle please point it out to me!
After release testing the Mock branch is tagged as the next version
does this mean that you don't start a new QA and a new Mock branch each new release that starts from Master? If not, you should.