I'm trying to maintain some websites running in a Docker Swarm. I want to do security updates on them.
In a non-Docker environment, like a VPS, my simple process is that I would connect in and git pull updates and run any database updates associated with these.
I want to do the same with websites that are running in a Docker Swarm as Docker Containers that belong to a respective Docker Service.
But it seems to be a disproportionate of effort to find the Docker commands to help me with this.
Specifically my question is:
If I know the Docker Service name or ID, what Docker command can I run to find out the IDs of all the containers to be able to connect into them.
The reason why I start with the Docker Service when I list them on the Docker master node, using docker service ls
I get a "user friendly" list of services, which helps me pick out the particular service for the site to maintain, e.g.:
$ docker service ls
sr2w12kl8bg1 site1_db replicated 1/1 animage2/mariadb:latest *:13306->3306/tcp
e083ij8abje1 site1_drupal replicated 1/1 animage2/drupal:d7 *:7150->80/tcp
sejb0f2mfo22 site1_drush replicated 0/1 drush/drush:latest
kbae02doa8rs site1_haproxy replicated 2/2 haproxy:alpine
khgmnu1566rb site2_db replicated 1/1 mariadb:latest
notoc1fam1gk site3_drupal replicated 1/1 animage1/drupal:d8 *:7160->80/tcp
0xtxx4jmmwa3 site4_db replicated 1/1 mariadb:latest
I can look at this list above, and pick out a line and say "that's the site".
So here's the blocker:
Having picked out a line, I've got an ID, say e083ij8abje1
for a service running Drupal.
Now I want to ssh into a Docker container inside that Docker Service to do the upgrade.
There's this command for ssh-ing into a Docker container:
docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash
Where container is a Hexadecimal number e.g. a1b2c3d4ee8
so it would e.g. look like docker exec -it a1b2c3d4ee8 /bin/bash
But I don't have the Docker container ID, I have the Docker Service ID which is an alphanumeric number, as in the above example e083ij8abje1
- this won't work for the above docker exec command.
So I need a docker command that lists the Docker Container IDs that belong to a Docker Service.
To my surprise, there doesn't seem to be one!
I know I can also list the Docker Containers
$ docker ps
d5d45a94d45e haproxy:alpine "/docker-entrypoint.…" 3 days ago Up 3 days db_proxy_haproxy.2.91aw0apofd3iw537d249pyi62
6a4676df2b3a 22dbb7890585 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 3 days ago Up 3 days 3306/tcp site2_db.1.xxizdccg9a2hgf83tcgg1tkaej
538172a86a57 site1/drupal:asite "docker-php-entrypoi…" 3 days ago Up 3 days 80/tcp site3.1.uofsfssl72aj867r0hfs86i7m24linae8
2d487ea3788e 22dbb7890585 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 3 days ago Up 3 days 3306/tcp site4_db.1.3lnd0f9sl027f0skgza3kq373c0
d671069584d7 mariadb:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 3 days ago Up 3 days 3306/tcp site5.1.xoy0r6720362hlkhksu2qd
beb6bcb66f43 mariadb:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 3 days ago Up 3 days 3306/tcp site2.1.kobk423624kljfs1uhpflfs3
But this doesn't tell me what Service a Docker Container is running in. Neither command gives me the full information and that's frustrating.
Research done already
How to get container id of a docker service Various answers that don't seem to work for me and they are convoluted not simple commands, I'm using Docker 19.03
Swarm mode: getting Container ID from Task ID Nothing definitive here stands out. And they've introduced the idea of "Task" - what is that in relation to Docker, Service, Containe?
I also found several similar question / answers that were just wordy and pointing to the general documentation. Not very helpful as they don't show by example.
I'm trying my best to understand these concepts and have drawn a diagram below. ( Please confirm that Docker Containers belong to a Service. )
Yes, I understand that Docker Swarm is declarative and can allocate Containers where it decides are best, in terms of running them on a particular node. That seems to be the approach encountered whenever I've been trying to find this answer, answers seem to want to give too much information for the reader, when what the reader needs is specific practical examples, not loads of theory and concepts.
So to summarise what I am looking for is a simple command or 2 that enables me to:
- list the Docker Containers by ID that belong to a Service, given the Service ID / name to start with
- for a given Docker Container and ID, find out what Docker Service it belongs to.
I am aware about Docker Swarm end-of-life so don't want answers telling me to use something else. please.