I'm trying to apply the guidance I recently read at how to trigger parameterized builds from a different build in Jenkins and https://plugins.jenkins.io/parameterized-trigger/ - but this doesn't seem to work, and I'd like to ask the community for help understanding what I'm doing wrong.

My jobs are set up thus:

  • foo2 is a non-parameterized build
    • foo2's Build is Execute shell with commands:
    export string2="456def"
    • foo2's Post-build Action is Trigger parameterized build on other projects
      • It triggers foo3
      • It attempts to pass parameters to foo3 with Predefined parameters:
  • foo3 is a parameterized build with two string paramters: a_string and b_string.
    • foo3's Build step is Execute shell with commands:
    echo ${a_string}
    echo ${b_string}

Question/Problem: when foo3 is triggered, its console output are the string literals ${string1} and ${string2}, instead of the desired 123abc and 456def -- what am I doing wrong? How can I pass variables set during foo2's Build stage to foo3?

Output of foo3 build:

Started by upstream project "foo2" build number 4
originally caused by:
 Started by user unknown or anonymous
Running as SYSTEM
Building remotely on builder-231 (docker-cleanup) in workspace /home/user/workspace/foo3
[foo3] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins2920927890739081404.sh
+ echo ${string1}
+ echo ${string2}
Finished: SUCCESS


foo2's Build and Post-build action to trigger foo3: foo2's Build and Post-build action to trigger foo3

foo3's parameters: foo3's parameters

foo3's Build enter image description here

  • IIRC string1 and string2 will not available outside Execute shell step so the values of a_string and b_string will be empty for foo3 build.
    – Oli
    Commented May 15, 2021 at 10:24

1 Answer 1


Use a Pipeline.

pipeline {
  agent any

  stages {

    stage('run job foo3') { 
      steps {
        script {
          string1 = "123abc"
          string2 = "456def"
          build job: 'foo3', 
            parameters: [
              // both is possible
              string(name: 'a_string', value: "${string1}"),
              string(name: 'b_string', value: string2)
            wait: true


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