We have 3 teams in one Azure devops project. I would like these teams to be stable, and not shift people around when working on new projects.
Each team work on multiple clients, and we've managed to differentiate the PBIs by area path. Each area path is connected to a specific client.
This way it's been very easy to have 1 sprint planning per team, and also being able to keep these teams intact.
The problem we have atm is that it's unclear how much capacity each member can have on each client. Since capacity is planned per sprint.
The question is: Is there any way to plan capacity per area path? I know there is a way to plan capacity by activity type, but we cannot map activity type to clients and that would be wrong imo.
Example: Team 1 consists of 5 developers.
Each developer is assigned to work on a couple of clients.
When planning the sprint, it's easy to miss the fact that dev 1 should work 20h on client 1 and 20h on client 2. So when PBIs are added to the sprint, we might book dev 1 to work 40h on client 1 and miss client 2 totally.