We are actually looking for a package management system for our project. The target is simple, have a centralized system to keep our packages ( apps and middlewares ) and use them with our CI/CD tools (Jenkins, Ansible, Docker ...)

Looking for options I discovered JFrog Artifactory and JFrog Bintray. they both seems to do the same job but I don't believe JFrog is maintaining two concurrent products with the same options.

What is the difference between Artifactory and Bintray?
How do we choose one over the other and why?

  • 1
    Please check this answer to the similar question on StackOverflow.
    – JBaruch
    Jan 3, 2019 at 19:35

2 Answers 2


JFrog Artifactory and JFrog Bintray both manage binaries (and any other file type you can think of). I'd like to see them as two different parts of your CI/CD pipeline.

Artifactory is mostly meant to be used inside the organization. For managing all binaries coming in as dependencies (like maven central jars) and being produced by your build process (like your pack.rpm or org/pack-docker docker image). These can later be used by others in the org or released to Bintray.

Bintray is meant to provide a universal distribution platform for your end deliverables. For example, the pack.rpm you want to be available for your customers to download. And also that org/pack-docker docker image.

Look into the features lists of each and see how they differ in order to best match their intended role.

I hope this helps explaining the differences.

Disclosure: I work at JFrog



  • Bintray
    1. Software for other people's use.
    2. Publishing platform
    3. Released software
    4. Selective, distributed, download optimized, network heavy
  • Artifactory
    1. Software for your own use.
    2. Caching platform
    3. All derived objects and binary dependencies for CI/CD
    4. Inclusive, centralized, upload optimized, storage heavy

Disclosure: JFrog did not offer me a job. :)

  • regarding the disclosure, it's not too late :)
    – JBaruch
    Jan 4, 2019 at 0:28

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