I've added GitHub Deploy key manually. Now I would likt to import
it to my state. But when I look into github_repository_deploy_key resource docs I can read
"Repository deploy keys can be imported using a colon-separated pair of repository name and GitHub's key id. The latter can be obtained by GitHub's SDKs and API."
$ terraform import github_repository_deploy_key.foo test-repo:23824728
I was looking for this GitHub's key id for a long time but without a luck. If I go to https://github.com/\/<REPO>/settings/keys I cannot see any ID (numerical) in my key information.
I've try to use SHA256:
bit from deploy key information, but it end's up with the following error:
Error: Unexpected ID format ("ddf62fc..."), expected numerical ID. strconv.ParseInt: parsing "ddf62fc...": invalid syntax
How can I find my GitHub's (deploy) key ID?