I work for a small startup. We have 3 environments (Production, Development, and Staging) and GitHub is used as VCS.
All env runs on EC2 with docker.
Can someone suggest me a simple CICD solution that can trigger builds automatically after certain branches are merged / manual trigger option?
Like, if anything in merged into dev-merge, build and deploy to development, and the same for staging and pushing the image to ECR and rolling out docker update.
We tried Jenkins but we felt it was over-complicated for our small-scale infra.
GitHub actions are also evaluated (self-hosted runners), but it needs YAMLs to be there in repos.
We are looking for something that can give us the option to modify the pipeline or overall flow without code-hosted CICD config. (Like the way Jenkins gives the option to either use Jenkins file or configure the job manually via GUI)
Any opinions about Team City (Self-Hosted Community Version)?
PS: We are looking for free and self hostable options only!
after certain branches
there is the reason you need a bit of code.