If you're running docker, pull the image and inspect it with:
docker pull gcr.io/xx/yy
docker image inspect gcr.io/xx/yy
Without docker, some registries allow you to explore the images. And there are online tools like https://explore.ggcr.dev (drill down into the config digest).
There are also commands to interact with registries, including crane (from Google), skopeo (from Redhat), and regclient/regctl (from me). Here's the regctl example:
$ regctl image inspect ghcr.io/regclient/regsync:latest
"created": "2023-02-26T02:37:17Z",
"architecture": "amd64",
"os": "linux",
"config": {
"User": "appuser",
"Env": [
"Entrypoint": [
"WorkingDir": "/",