I have an application that has two instances running and each request runs on a different machine.
I am monitoring an event with a counter in my application and each instance runs it's own counter using prometheus-net. It would be great if prometheus-net was using a caching mechanism other that in-memory, maybe a redis, so whenever prometheus scrap /metrics, it gets the same data each time.
Unfortunately, each scrap request from prometheus runs on a different machine and it's like I have two counters.
I need a way to tell to prometheus to scrap two urls and I will find a way to combine them.
Unfortunately, the way to access directly the web app instance is by using parameters.
The urls looks like that:
That way I cannot use the following code since I cannot add full url here.
- targets: ['example.com']
I tried the following but it didn't created two 'instances' at the label instance
- job_name: 'example'
scrape_interval: 30s
-instance: ['372c43937e6acd56073246ffdf0e95597480cdba24688cc331d77a8c3c07e1a9','be007691832f4002a86cf0148768a3b039304e9b1fa7ae91a032b0beddc152b2']
- targets: ['example.com']
metrics_path: /metrics
scheme: https