
There is idea to distribute small embedded devices (armv7) with k3s as worker nodes.
Is there available known case study where Openshift Container Platform manage existing k3s cluster?

I was trying to test it by creating Openshift Cluster, but there is quite ample spectrum of products from Red Hat and not sure which one will be good to test it locally. I started OpenShift Local, but looks like this unit cannot track external cluster.

  • OpenShift cannot "track an external cluster". There are some products like Advanced Cluster Manager that may be worth looking at, but I don't know if that would support k3s. You should be able to install ACM under OpenShift Local to try it out.
    – larsks
    Commented Sep 4 at 11:19
  • @larsks thank you for the suggestion, indeed ACM could be installed on OpenShift Local, but even though i have ACM Operator Installed, created MultiClusterHub, i cannot see any way to enter ACM dashboard and import kubernetes cluster Commented Sep 6 at 8:55


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