Whenever I try to launch the instances, I am getting the following error message. Please help with this.
Error: Error applying plan:
3 error(s) occurred:
* aws_instance.example[0]: 1 error(s) occurred:
* aws_instance.example.0: Error launching source instance: InvalidParameterValue: Invalid availability zone: [{us-east-1b]
status code: 400, request id: 2637e297-236d-4e3b-b5a4-b5afe3df5e67
* aws_instance.example[2]: 1 error(s) occurred:
* aws_instance.example.2: Error launching source instance: InvalidParameterValue: Invalid availability zone: [ us-east-1d}]
status code: 400, request id: 59244720-ab1c-48c7-a9b8-3eb6a23bd5ae
* aws_instance.example[1]: 1 error(s) occurred:
* aws_instance.example.1: Error launching source instance: InvalidParameterValue: Invalid availability zone: [ us-east-1c]
status code: 400, request id: 1e335e56-f129-4ea0-a5c6-09b0501b6e18
Terraform does not automatically rollback in the face of errors.
Instead, your Terraform state file has been partially updated with
any resources that successfully completed. Please address the error
above and apply again to incrementally change your infrastructure.