I would like to start collecting parameters from local developer environments on my team, such as to see how they configure their properties files (not in source control), what directory they use as their application root, where they have this and that software installed etc.
So I was envisioning having a script that each would run daily and which would post that data to some web service within some application that does this kind of stuff within the DevOps realm -- team management etc. Is there such an app for local developer management, just like Jenkins does builds or Chef does deployments?
Ideally, I would go into this console and get an idea of how each developer on my team has their environment configured without that developer letting me see their laptop, provided that, of course, my data collection script includes all the relevant parameters.
Ideally, I would go into this console and get an idea of how each developer on my team has their environment configured
. You could also ask them.