We have a multibranch pipeline project. The build configuration is defined by a jenkinsfile. The system consists of one master and a couple of agents.
The stages are run in parallel, and for each one we do a checkout of the repository.
See attached file below.
The Problem
is that the size of the workspace accumulates greatly as the amount of branches increases.
The Solution #1
Periodic cleanup of the workspace. A custom script will be written. Something like this one:
// Check if a slave has < 10 GB of free space, wipe out workspaces if it does
import hudson.model.*;
import hudson.util.*;
import jenkins.model.*;
import hudson.FilePath.FileCallable;
import hudson.slaves.OfflineCause;
import hudson.node_monitors.*;
for (node in Jenkins.instance.nodes) {
computer = node.toComputer()
if (computer.getChannel() == null) continue
rootPath = node.getRootPath()
size = DiskSpaceMonitor.DESCRIPTOR.get(computer).size
roundedSize = size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) as int
println("node: " + node.getDisplayName() + ", free space: " + roundedSize + "GB")
if (roundedSize < 10) {
computer.setTemporarilyOffline(true, new hudson.slaves.OfflineCause.ByCLI("disk cleanup"))
for (item in Jenkins.instance.items) {
jobName = item.getFullDisplayName()
if (item.isBuilding()) {
println(".. job " + jobName + " is currently running, skipped")
println(".. wiping out workspaces of job " + jobName)
workspacePath = node.getWorkspaceFor(item)
if (workspacePath == null) {
println(".... could not get workspace path")
println(".... workspace = " + workspacePath)
customWorkspace = item.getCustomWorkspace()
if (customWorkspace != null) {
workspacePath = node.getRootPath().child(customWorkspace)
println(".... custom workspace = " + workspacePath)
pathAsString = workspacePath.getRemote()
if (workspacePath.exists()) {
println(".... deleted from location " + pathAsString)
} else {
println(".... nothing to delete at " + pathAsString)
computer.setTemporarilyOffline(false, null)
## The Solution #2 ##
One checkout per job and node. Thus each parallel stage will execute one executable instance of the same repository. For me personaly this is the preferred method, although more complex than solution #1.
stage("Build") {
try {
parallel builds
} catch (err) {
def build(predef) {
return {
node() {
Execute build
def checkout_repository(node){
No checkout for this node
Flag that we are checking out a repository on node (think ~semaphore)
Cheking out ..
Flag that repository exist on node
The Question
- What are the cons in solution #2
- Does it follow the jenkins way of doing it. Or this to much freestyle?