I'd like to allow all of our organization's users to create new pipelines in Jenkins, via Blue Ocean...
This requires a Github access token, meaning I have to either require each user to use their own access token, or share the contents of an access token with all users.
The first option seems inconvenient. The second option is a security risk, and we'd have to change our token any time someone left the organization.
I was hoping to find a way to add a credential to Jenkins and scope it so that all users have access to it, so the above New Pipeline flow would use that cred rather than querying the user to input a token.
I created a token with Global (rather than System) scope, but new users are still asked to input a token when they go to add a pipeline.
Is there a good solution for this? Do most organizations rely on individual developers to use their personal access tokens?
assuming it has at least one branch/PR containing a Jenkinsfile. By default, the plugin scans the org once a day. Verify that automatic scanning is turned on, the scan frequency is at a desirable setting, and that thebar
repo has a Jenkinsfile in it. You can run a manual scan to debug if the repo still isn't appearing. Docs available here.