I have set up an EKS cluster in AWS. My user-account there is secured with MFA. And I have an assumerole
, that is allowed to manage my infrastructure.
So I installed and configured my system as stated in the AWS userguide: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/getting-started.html
I have kubectl
in version 1.11.x installed, so I can use that binary to communicate with aws (and I do not need the patched amazon version). I then installed aws-cli
and aws-iam-authenticator
user@notebook [04:44:51 PM] [~]
-> % kubectl version --short --client
Client Version: v1.11.0
user@notebook [04:45:13 PM] [~]
-> % aws-iam-authenticator help
A tool to authenticate to Kubernetes using AWS IAM credentials
user@notebook [04:45:25 PM] [~]
-> % aws --version
aws-cli/1.15.51 Python/3.6.6 Linux/4.17.8-1-ARCH botocore/1.10.50
user@notebook [04:45:30 PM] [~]
-> %
I then created the configuration files from the how-to ~/.aws/credentials
, ~/.aws/config
, ~/.kube_aws/config
and created an alias for myself to use kubectl
with the new config (since I have more clusters to manage): alias kubectlaws='KUBECONFIG=/home/user/.kube_aws/config kubectl $@'
So here comes my problem: When I connect to the cluster using the aws-cli
binary, I have to enter my MFA token and then the session is cached (I read for about 15 minutes).
user@notebook [04:58:52 PM] [~]
-> % aws eks describe-cluster --profile my_profile --name ClusterName --query cluster.status
Enter MFA code for arn:aws:iam::<MY_MFA_ARN>:
user@notebook [04:59:09 PM] [~]
-> % aws eks describe-cluster --profile my_profile --name ClusterName --query cluster.endpoint
user@notebook [04:59:30 PM] [~]
-> %
But when I do this with my kubectl
alias, I have to enter the token every time I run a command! Furthermore, I cannot re-use a code, so I have to wait about 30 seconds, until the next one is provided.
user@notebook [05:03:56 PM] [~]
-> % kubectlaws get nodes
Assume Role MFA token code: 123456
user@notebook [05:04:05 PM] [~]
-> % kubectlaws get nodes
Assume Role MFA token code: 123456
could not get token: AccessDenied: MultiFactorAuthentication failed with invalid MFA one time pass code.
status code: 403, request id: <SOME_ID>
No resources found.
Unable to connect to the server: getting credentials: exec: exit status 1
user@notebook [05:04:14 PM] [~]
-> %
This is really annoying, as you might imagine. Has anyone any idea what I did wrong there? Is this a bug? Or is this some kind of mis-configuration?
Thanks in advance!