I'm running ansible 2.6.2 and awx on rhel 7.5. AWX is connecting to my ssh proxy as root instead of the defined Credential user.
My playbook contains the following
become: yes
become_method: sudo
remote_user: remoteuser
ansible_user: remoteuser
ssh.config in my playbook contain the following
match host !proxyA,!proxyB,* exec "ssh proxyA nc -w1 %h %p &>/dev/null
ProxyJump proxyA
match host !proxyA,!proxyB,* exec "ssh proxyB nc -w1 %h %p &>/dev/null
ProxyJump proxyB
My AWX credential user which uses an ssh key and associated with the AWX JOB Template is this (which should be used for ssh connections): remoteuser
I have no defined entries in /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg or any ansible.cfg defined in the current working directory (of the playbook) or in $HOME.
Here is the proxyA/B syslog entries showing the user that AWX is connecting as:
sshd: Failed publickey fro root from
And here is the AWX ansible output showing the connection as 'root' instead of the 'remoteuser'
root@proxyA's password: root@proxyA's password: root@proxyA's password:
I can run the playbook through ansible (outside of AWX) without errors.
How do I tell AWX to use the right user name?