Let's say I have a piece of software which does a computational task that is pretty demanding to either CPU/GPU/RAM/Disk-IO or a combination of those. Then it would be optimal if one has some metric to describe what the optimal configuration of a machine would be to run this software.
Guess that metric should include: 1) "minimal requirements" and more importantly 2) the "optimal ratio" of the above parameters, so that there is no idling CPU/RAM/GPU so that I get the best computation per money/electricity/computation time.
This is especially true, if I want to run your job on AWS/GoogleCloud/OtherProvider or on an HPC environment where you can pick those parameters.
I am aware that this is probably a pretty hard problem, since it is not easy to compare different kinds of CPUs (Cache, clock speed, etc.) or different kinds of RAM.
But still, does there exist and "standard" or approach for this? If yes, what are the methods to establish such a metric?
PS: Is this the right place to post this question?