From Ansible's official doc

Ansible modules normally return a data structure that can be registered into a variable, or seen directly when output by the ansible program


Ansible modules normally return a data structure that can be registered into a variable, or seen directly when output by the ansible program

However, the document on aws_ec2 module

  1. Doesn't document return values
  2. Has this example, which seems like it actually has some specific return values
# Stripped version

# Launch instances, runs some tasks
# and then terminate them

- name: Create a sandbox instance
  ... # hosts, vars...
    - name: Launch instance
      ... # ec2 module specs
      register: ec2 #This seems to be one of the specific return structure by this module

    - name: Wait for SSH to come up
      ... # some module
      with_items: "{{ ec2.instances }}" # This is where the registered return value is used

Question: How to see all possible return values of a module, even without documentation

1 Answer 1


if you do something like:

- name: Launch instance
  register: data_struct

You can then output all the values returned by doing this below the above code:

- name: print all returned values
    msg: "{{ data_struct }}"

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