I'm having troubles with network access from pods. I had installed new Kubernetes cluster with flannel-network plugin, Checking the health of server - good.
I tried to check network via busybox: kubectl run -it --rm --restart=Never busybox -n microservices --image=busybox sh
, then ping
results in drop.
But ping
succeeded when executed from kubectl exec -it kube-flannel-ds-amd64-xxxx -n kube-system
(checking network inside flannel pod).
What can it be? I think it can be something with flannel or docker network configuration. But i did not find information about it.
I tried to change iptables configs, reinit cluster, create and changing docker network interfaces.
I have no more ideas, what can I do?
P.S. There is the same server installed before me and their settings and installation procedure are identical. And their connection is good.