i am trying to figure out how to run an ansible ping command as another user, using their ssh key.
User setup i have essentially:
master_user (me)
ansible (sudo user, pwdless sign in)
I logged in as ansible user and did:
- ssh-keygen (generate key)
- ssh-copy-id XXXX (copy the ssh key to corresponding server)
Tested it all and it works fine (each server has ansible user already fyi). I updated the hosts file to have all my hosts as well.
Now when i remote into master_user, i want to run a ansible command but as ansible user something like this:
ansible all --become-user=ansible -m ping
This fails because it is trying to ssh into the servers using the master_users ssh key.
Error message: Failed to connect to the host via ssh
When i run -vvvv flag i can see it trying to user master_user ssh by looks of it
Offending key for IP in /home/master_user/.ssh/
How can configure it so that it uses ansible user always and use ansible users ssh key?