Kubernetes version 1.14.2 (Client) 1.14.1 (Server) Anchore Chart anchore-engine.1.0.5 App Version 0.4.0
I'm trying to deploy Anchore via Helm to a Kubernetes cluster, but I'm getting failures in every pod.
Helm is properly configured and I've confirmed this by installing several other releases. I install Anchore with
helm install --name anchore-release stable/anchore-engine
Checking pods confirms all of the pods install
anchore-release-anchore-engine-analyzer-659854799f-qkvdn 0/1 Running 0 108s
anchore-release-anchore-engine-api-5d75bbd9d9-9hnms 0/1 Running 0 108s
anchore-release-anchore-engine-catalog-58d7f8bfcd-7d2jz 0/1 Running 0 108s
anchore-release-anchore-engine-policy-6d7579d494-zcg4g 0/1 Running 0 108s
anchore-release-anchore-engine-simplequeue-d8f4f4dbc-62hst 0/1 Running 0 108s
However, none ever enter Ready. Taking a peek at any one of them reveals the issue.
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Pulled 17m kubelet, XXXXXX Container image "docker.io/anchore/anchore-engine:v0.4.0" already present on machine
Normal Created 17m kubelet, XXXXXX Created container anchore-engine-analyzer
Normal Started 17m kubelet, XXXXXX Started container anchore-engine-analyzer
Normal Scheduled 17m default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/anchore-release-anchore-engine-analyzer-659854799f-9qdpq to XXXXXX
Warning Unhealthy 15m (x5 over 15m) kubelet, XXXXXX Liveness probe failed: Get http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8084/health: dial tcp XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8084: connect: connection refused
Warning Unhealthy 2m50s (x91 over 17m) kubelet, XXXXXX Readiness probe failed: Get http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8084/health: dial tcp XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8084: connect: connection refused
All of the pod experience liveness/readiness probe failures. In order to examine this closer I moved onto the master node and attempted to query these ports manually. I found that all of the Anchore pods were pingable but had exposed no ports. There is no firewall running anywhere within the cluster, and I installed an Nginx pod to confirm that. The other pod was able to expose and access ports in the 8000 range.
Flannel is serving as the networking manager within the cluster, and due to the Nginx test-deployment properly exposing its ports I'm inclined to believe it's set up properly.
Is anyone familiar with what could be cause the Anchore pods to not expose any of their ports, or another issue which could give the appearance of that? As additional information, here's an example description of one of the pods.
Name: anchore-release-anchore-engine-analyzer-659854799f-9qdpq
Namespace: default
Priority: 0
PriorityClassName: <none>
Start Time: Wed, 05 Jun 2019 17:41:11 -0400
Labels: app=anchore-release-anchore-engine
Annotations: <none>
Status: Running
Controlled By: ReplicaSet/anchore-release-anchore-engine-analyzer-659854799f
Container ID: docker://977890fe98a69f6399db55a06e26911befa2e94f98a1dc2d102041132961364e
Image: docker.io/anchore/anchore-engine:v0.4.0
Image ID: docker-pullable://docker.io/anchore/anchore-engine@sha256:1db43d98a0895cb266658b1cee9db275227b585f19590824ece58ad497bb772f
Port: 8084/TCP
Host Port: 0/TCP
State: Running
Started: Wed, 05 Jun 2019 17:41:13 -0400
Ready: False
Restart Count: 0
Liveness: http-get http://:analyzer-api/health delay=120s timeout=10s period=10s #success=1 #failure=6
Readiness: http-get http://:analyzer-api/health delay=0s timeout=10s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
Environment Variables from:
anchore-release-anchore-engine Secret Optional: false
anchore-release-anchore-engine ConfigMap Optional: false
ANCHORE_POD_NAME: anchore-release-anchore-engine-analyzer-659854799f-9qdpq (v1:metadata.name)
/analysis_scratch from analyzer-scratch (rw)
/config/config.yaml from config-volume (rw,path="config.yaml")
/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from default-token-nzsfd (ro)
Type Status
Initialized True
Ready False
ContainersReady False
PodScheduled True
Type: ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
Name: anchore-release-anchore-engine
Optional: false
Type: EmptyDir (a temporary directory that shares a pod's lifetime)
SizeLimit: <unset>
Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
SecretName: default-token-nzsfd
Optional: false
QoS Class: BestEffort
Node-Selectors: <none>
Tolerations: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute for 300s
node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute for 300s
I appreciate any input. Thanks.
lsof -t -i:8084
reveal? Does the GCP dashboard help any?