I have a kubernetes cluster built using kubespray
and imported to Rancher.
The nodes are configured with
- CentOS Linux 7 3.10.0-957.12.1.el7.x86_64
- Docker version : 18.9.5
- Kubelet version : v1.14.1
- Tiller version : v2.14.1 ( got this version from the tiller pod's image
All the tiller resources are working fine:
$ kubectl get all -n kube-system | findstr tiller
pod/tiller-deploy-57ff77d846-frtb7 1/1 Running 0 12d
service/tiller-deploy ClusterIP <none> 44134/TCP 16d
deployment.apps/tiller-deploy 1 1 1 1 16d
replicaset.apps/tiller-deploy-57ff77d846 1 1 1 12d
replicaset.apps/tiller-deploy-69d5cd79bb 0 0 0 16d
But when I run the helm
commands, I am getting this error:
$ helm version
Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.11.0", GitCommit:"2e55dbe1fdb5fdb96b75ff144a339489417b146b", GitTreeState:"clean"}
Error: forwarding ports: error upgrading connection: Upgrade request required
$ helm ls
Error: forwarding ports: error upgrading connection: Upgrade request required
I tried:
- The tiller version is 2.14.1. So, upgraded the helm client to version 2.14.1 from 2.11.0. But that doesn't solves the issue.
Can someone help me to solve this error?