I'm looking for strategies to mitigate silent errors related to misspelled or otherwise mistyped variables being passed to Ansible roles.

So for example, I have a role with a defaults/main.yml:

foo_version: "1.0"

Within the tasks/main.yml:

- get_url:
    url: "https://foo.com/foo-{{ foo_version }}.tar.gz"
    dest: /tmp/

Now in my main playbook, if I do this, it will install the default version, 1.0:

- include_role: name=foo

If I do this, it will install version 2.0:

- include_role: name=foo
    foo_version: "2.0"

So far so good. But if I do this by accident, it will install 1.0 without my realizing it:

- include_role: name=foo
    fooo_version: "2.0"

The only "solution" I've thought of is to remove the defaults/main.yml, in which case it would fail in the last case because foo_version would remain undefined. But then I can't take advantage of the benefits of having defaults.

Are there other solutions? Thanks!

2 Answers 2


Q: " Prevent misspelled variables passed to Ansible roles ... remove the defaults/main.yml, ... But then I can't take advantage of the benefits of having defaults. Are there other solutions?

A: Yes. Tell include_role to read other file defaults_from. Fit the content of this file to your needs. For example

- include_role:
    name: foo
    defaults_from: main_special.yml
    fooo_version: "2.0"
  • I believe this suffers from the same problems. If I loaded defaults from main_special.yml using defaults_from, and then specified fooo_version: "2.0" expecting it to override the default software version, I'm going to silently have problems.
    – Ryan O.
    Commented Jul 31, 2019 at 1:24

I came up with what I think is a pretty good solution.

First, it requires the addition of this to each role:

- assert:
    that: "{{ item.key }} is defined"
    fail_msg: "Attempted to override an unknown variable: {{ item.key }}"
    quiet: yes
  loop: "{{ q('dict', override) }}"

- set_fact: { "{{ item.key }}":"{{ item.value }}" }
  loop: "{{ q('dict', override) }}"

I added those two tasks to a file, override.yml within ansible/tasks/, and then used include_tasks to dynamically include that file only when override is actually defined:

- include_tasks: "tasks/override.yml"
  when: override is defined

Second, it requires that when you override defaults with import_role that you do the following:

- include_role:
    name: foo
      fooo_version: "2.0"

The first block of code now loops through the passed override dictionary, and verifies that each key already is defined as a variable. So in the above example, the assert would fail because fooo_version is not defined. It then loops through the override dictionary a second time and uses set_fact to set the value of each key:val pair in the dictionary.

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