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Beginner Uptime Calculations Based on ELB?

Is there a clear way to calculate starting uptime metrics from AWS ELB? I need to start running uptime calculations. I'd like to start by just using AWS services for monitoring the uptime and then ...
Josiah's user avatar
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Custom metric for a Windows process on a Windows ec2 instance

I have a process (exe) on a Windows ec2 that is using up lots of memory. I would like to create a custom metric that will collect data and send to CloudWatch. I would like to also create an alarm when ...
Lamasu's user avatar
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How to get EC2 instance tags when pulling CloudWatch data?

For monitoring purposes, we're pulling AWS/EC2 instances statistics data from CloudWatch and save it to InfluxDB. We're using Telegraf to do this. However, when pulling the data from Cloudwatch, ...
Yossale's user avatar
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What is the best way to find the Auto Scaling Group of an ECS cluster?

We are looking to inspect the ASG EC2 CloudWatch metrics such as CPU and Memory, since it includes an aggregate of all the ASG instances. Given that we know the ECS cluster, or the ECS service name. ...
Evgeny Zislis's user avatar
5 votes
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How to scale-down in a multi-tenant environment?

Cloud environments in AWS allow for multi-tenancy managed by the user himself, classic example are container orchestrators such as ECS or Kubernetes. When you have two services, one needs memory ...
Evgeny Zislis's user avatar