Questions tagged [ansible-inventory]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Ansible/AWS dynamic inventory -- How to create groups based on tags?

I am trying to create custom groups, based on tags. I am using this doc as a reference: As a baseline, in my aws_ec2....
synth45's user avatar
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ansible_become has no effect despite the ability to execute sudo on GCP hosts

Say I want to execute the following command on target hosts (deployed on GCP): ansible all -a "head -1 /etc/shadow". The command demands the root access. With the default Ansible ...
SkogensKonung's user avatar
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Ansible-Playbook to install Kubernetes cluster gives GPG error

For my virtualisation class, our lab assignment at the moment is to create a kubernete's cluster with 3 VM's / Nodes. I have a fourth machine where i installed ansible on that sends all correct ...
user42818's user avatar