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Questions tagged [apache-httpd]

The Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source cross-platform web server software, released under the terms of Apache License 2.0.

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Error logs is Not printing int the /var/log/apache2/logs

My Webapplication is running in the docker container and apache2 is not in docker and running in host im using proxy and docker ip to redirect the request to docker it is working fine but the if my ...
Naveen Prasath's user avatar
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Set the base path of an Apache proxy handler

I'm developing my application with 2 containers: apache and php-fpm. Apache serves requests, and delegates PHP execution to the php-fpm container in its vhost: <FilesMatch .php$> ...
amacrobert's user avatar
1 vote
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What is a standard way to quickly deploy a LAMP installation with a virtual host and certbot?

Say I rent an IaaS environment and want to quickly deploy a LAMP installation with a virtual host and SSL certificate by Bash alone (no programs such as Ansible would be used). Is there some standard ...
beltazzar's user avatar
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How can I get client IP on apache insted of Docker container IP?

I've deployed a Matomo application using the official docker image. I'm trying to activate geolocalization (using a plugin) and it's not working. I can see that Matomo (apache) only gets the docker ...
Gigs's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

What is the purpose of running PHP-FPM in its own container instead in the same container as apache2/nginx?

I'm fairly new to Docker so excuse any obvious ignorance or misunderstandings. That said, I've been coding and configuring web applications for a long time now. I have recently been dabbling with some ...
aK8sN0v1c3's user avatar
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GitLab pipeline stop at the stage of pulling an image from Docker hub

Description: I have created a test project to serve a simple HTML page with httpd:alpine image. The following are the parts of the repository: index.html: <html lang="en"> <head> ...
Mohi Rostami's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Install apache on awa ec2 from locally installed ansible server on my laptop

I would like to install apache2 remotely on aws ec2 instance from my locally installed ansible server on my laptop. I have also the. pem key of the instance. Now what Ip need to put in /etc/ansible/...
Rajesh k's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Jenkins deploy static web with Apache2

I have a static website that I would like to deploy to my Apache2 server using Jenkins. I think of 2 solutions: Should I change the workspace dir of Jenkins to /var/www/? Or should I copy all files ...
Black2910's user avatar
1 vote
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Deploy dist file in docker file

How to write a docker file to deploy a dist file of an Angular Application In a server. I see most of them have used nginx as a server. Why is it so? Is there any specific reason I want it to be ...
Madan's user avatar
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What is the common term for Apache virtual hosts or Nginx block systems?

A webserver environment as with Apache or Nginx includes a type of file (or a file system) that I can call a webserver substrate; In Apache it is called a Virtual host and in Nginx I can call it a "...
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-1 votes
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VAD (Vagrant-Ansible-Docker) stack for Ubuntu and Apache

I'm having trouble establishing a Ubuntu-LAMP environment with continuous integration - I feel lost from the different solutions out there and time and again I fear that my vanilla-Bash Ubuntu-LAMP ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Automating the creation of an Apache virtual-host file specifically

When I create new web applications on my up-2-date Ubuntu-LAMP with Apache 2.4.x environment, I create their virtual-host files this way: s_a="/etc/apache2/sites-available/" s_e="/etc/apache2/sites-...
user avatar
-3 votes
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Ansible translation: Installing Apache + Certbot in Ubuntu

I currently have a doubt for my last line of code to make it work in Ansible, the code is the following: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install apache2 python-letsencrypt-...
Brask's user avatar
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1 vote
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Apache container cant access php files mounted in /var/www/ - 403 error

I want to run my php website in a container with apache and php7 I am using this docker image : I run Fedora so I enter the example command given in ...
pievalentin's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to give value in runtime for chef

I got stuck with a scenario where I need to provide runtime value while restarting/starting httpd service using Chef. I installed SSL certs where it asks password for every reload or start. I tried ...
pandey's user avatar
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Load balancing Nexus artifact repository

Load balancing Nexus is currently not supported by Sonatype, except by putting a Nexus instance in front of two with smart-proxying enabled or via a newer feature. Still, I gave it a shot, by ...
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