Questions tagged [apache-httpd]

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Laravel project under Ubuntu with Docker returns 403 Forbidden

Starting point: Laravel 9 application, which I want to work with Docker container, I have only the project folder and nothing else installed on my PC. What I did: I installed Docker (Docker Desktop), ...
MorganFreeFarm's user avatar
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Set the base path of an Apache proxy handler

I'm developing my application with 2 containers: apache and php-fpm. Apache serves requests, and delegates PHP execution to the php-fpm container in its vhost: <FilesMatch .php$> ...
amacrobert's user avatar
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What is a standard way to quickly deploy a LAMP installation with a virtual host and certbot?

Say I rent an IaaS environment and want to quickly deploy a LAMP installation with a virtual host and SSL certificate by Bash alone (no programs such as Ansible would be used). Is there some standard ...
beltazzar's user avatar
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How can I get client IP on apache insted of Docker container IP?

I've deployed a Matomo application using the official docker image. I'm trying to activate geolocalization (using a plugin) and it's not working. I can see that Matomo (apache) only gets the docker ...
Gigs's user avatar
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What is the purpose of running PHP-FPM in its own container instead in the same container as apache2/nginx?

I'm fairly new to Docker so excuse any obvious ignorance or misunderstandings. That said, I've been coding and configuring web applications for a long time now. I have recently been dabbling with some ...
K8sN0v1c3's user avatar
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GitLab pipeline stop at the stage of pulling an image from Docker hub

Description: I have created a test project to serve a simple HTML page with httpd:alpine image. The following are the parts of the repository: index.html: <html lang="en"> <head> ...
M. Rostami's user avatar
3 votes
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Install apache on awa ec2 from locally installed ansible server on my laptop

I would like to install apache2 remotely on aws ec2 instance from my locally installed ansible server on my laptop. I have also the. pem key of the instance. Now what Ip need to put in /etc/ansible/...
Rajesh k's user avatar
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Jenkins deploy static web with Apache2

I have a static website that I would like to deploy to my Apache2 server using Jenkins. I think of 2 solutions: Should I change the workspace dir of Jenkins to /var/www/? Or should I copy all files ...
Black2910's user avatar
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Deploy dist file in docker file

How to write a docker file to deploy a dist file of an Angular Application In a server. I see most of them have used nginx as a server. Why is it so? Is there any specific reason I want it to be ...
Madan's user avatar
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What is the common term for Apache virtual hosts or Nginx block systems?

A webserver environment as with Apache or Nginx includes a type of file (or a file system) that I can call a webserver substrate; In Apache it is called a Virtual host and in Nginx I can call it a "...
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-1 votes
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VAD (Vagrant-Ansible-Docker) stack for Ubuntu and Apache

I'm having trouble establishing a Ubuntu-LAMP environment with continuous integration - I feel lost from the different solutions out there and time and again I fear that my vanilla-Bash Ubuntu-LAMP ...
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2 votes
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Automating the creation of an Apache virtual-host file specifically

When I create new web applications on my up-2-date Ubuntu-LAMP with Apache 2.4.x environment, I create their virtual-host files this way: s_a="/etc/apache2/sites-available/" s_e="/etc/apache2/sites-...
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-3 votes
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Ansible translation: Installing Apache + Certbot in Ubuntu

I currently have a doubt for my last line of code to make it work in Ansible, the code is the following: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install apache2 python-letsencrypt-...
Brask's user avatar
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Apache container cant access php files mounted in /var/www/ - 403 error

I want to run my php website in a container with apache and php7 I am using this docker image : I run Fedora so I enter the example command given in ...
pievalentin's user avatar
4 votes
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How to give value in runtime for chef

I got stuck with a scenario where I need to provide runtime value while restarting/starting httpd service using Chef. I installed SSL certs where it asks password for every reload or start. I tried ...
pandey's user avatar
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Load balancing Nexus artifact repository

Load balancing Nexus is currently not supported by Sonatype, except by putting a Nexus instance in front of two with smart-proxying enabled or via a newer feature. Still, I gave it a shot, by ...
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