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Questions tagged [build-pipeline]

General build pipeline questions. This includes, but is not exclusive to Jenkinsfile pipelines. See jenkins-pipeline for platform specific questions.

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How to run Liquibase Docker in Jenkins as Docker agent

I am using Windows 11 and have installed the following software on my system: Jenkins: Version 2.479.2 Docker Desktop: Version 4.36.0 (175267) Oracle 19c Note: My Jenkins and Docker Desktop are ...
codeholic24's user avatar
1 vote
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Github Actions : Reusable workflow across multiple organizations

I have a query in regards with Github workflows. Consider the below scenario : Github Organization 1 : sample_one Github Organization 2 : sample_two sample_one organization has one repository ...
Rezzerk's user avatar
  • 11
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How to specify ANY for tags in the yaml file for pipelines

In my pipeline definition, for getting resources from other pipeline, I'd like to define a default tags value to use, such as "release candidate", but allow to select to use any tags or even ...
Weishan Yang's user avatar
2 votes
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Best practice multiple pipelines into production

Working with a larger corporate. They are planning on opening a second pipeline for a hybrid mobile app. This second pipeline will be for hotfixes straight into production. My gut feeling is that this ...
lindsaymacvean's user avatar
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Builds triggered by change of arbitrary artifacts?

I am wondering about this: we are all used to continuous build. I.e. every push of source code to a version control system triggers a build job on a build system (Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, whatever, ...) ...
Pirx's user avatar
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Azure DevOps Build Validation of other repo's pipeline: "while loading the YAML build pipeline. Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

This (nearly empty) Azure DevOps pipeline yaml fails when initiated because of a PR from another repo's Build Validation: azure-pipelines.yaml of "App A": pool: name: default steps: - ...
Jason Kleban's user avatar
2 votes
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Is the forking git workflow used outside of open source projects?

Here is the Forking workflow if you're not familiar with it. The company I work for is mostly comprised of historically open source developers. This has caused them to be stuck on the forking workflow ...
collin_tgz's user avatar
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Recommended starting guide on CICD

I'm new to the community, and I looked around a bit but didn't find a good point to start from. I have a specific problem I want to solve, but while trying to think of a solution I realized I need a ...
CIsForCookies's user avatar
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Best practice to update (migrate) e.g. users on database server on several clusters

we have multiple clusters - like 6 - and of course, as a dev makes changes to an application and it is deployed it will migrate the table data and so on by flyway/liquibase. But what if there is the ...
Chris Pillen's user avatar
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YAML based azure build pipeline to run particular tasks based on condition?

Need to create a YAML based azure build pipeline i.e, need to run particular tasks like only build step when it is PR automated and when the same pipeline manually run it should run build task along ...
nova world's user avatar
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Modularizing CI/CD pipelines in Jenkins or in other tools?

I have the following case: There are a couple of repositories (well, two-digit number). Each of them has some sort of (declarative) Jenkins pipeline - it would be one of three types: run tests -> ...
cyau's user avatar
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Why do companies use JFrog Artifactory or other repositories instead of Maven central repository?

I have usually seen that when someone uses Maven on a company network to download dependencies, then user is redirected to the JFrog Artifactory or any other, instead of downloading dependencies from ...
jerry383's user avatar
2 votes
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Should I struggle for minimalistic context in GitLab CI jobs?

I'm designing a build & deploy pipeline for our project. We have two jobs: build -- builds a docker image with our app and pushes it to a container registry. deploy -- communicates with an ...
Himura's user avatar
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How to skip Build without creating Drop and not triggering Release in Azure DevOps

Currently we have a build pipeline which checks if there is a PR for the current branch and if yes it sets a variable and skips the other build steps. But when this happens the Release still completes ...
Staeff's user avatar
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Is local / staging / production still industry standard?

I've inherited a project that uses local / staging / production. It is a simple project that lets users create a login and download customized PDF documents. We keep the document templates and the per-...
P i's user avatar
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What part of the Bamboo pipeline should generate a Docker image?

We are using Bamboo to build and deploy a number of Java web applications. Right now, the Build Plans generally produce a WAR file, which is deployed by the Deploy Plans. We are moving our hosting (...
Eric's user avatar
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How does one build a build pipeline with versioned build artifacts?

I'm not sure quite how to phrase this question. I'd like to learn either by answer here or sharing a reference to read from: How do I build a pipeline with versioned build artifact? I've inherited an ...
John Rocha's user avatar
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CI/CD pipeline with manual advancement?

I am currently learning about CI/CD pipelines for DevOps. I have some practice implementing them in some basic scenarios, but I've recently encountered a slightly more complex scenario and I'm not ...
CorbinMc's user avatar
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It is not allowed to use stages more than once [Jenkins_Declarative_Pipeline]

I am completely new to the jenkins pipeline. I'm trying to create a project with multiple stages but in my Import stage , I want to execute parallel. For each stage in parallel , I have again multiple ...
Auto-learner's user avatar
2 votes
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How to setup priorities between pipelines that might be triggered simultaneously on Azure DevOps pipelines

I am using Azure devOps to build and deploy my application, and within that application I have a project that is being used by other related applications (let's call it project N). Thus I decided to ...
ccoutinho's user avatar
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Is GitLab flow (or GitHub flow, etc) anti build-once deploy-everywhere?

Historically, especially in the Java world, build-once, deploy everywhere has been a very big thing for deployments. Artifacts should be built exactly one time when a release is made and stored ...
John Humphreys's user avatar
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Publish pipeline artifact to Slack

I have a pipeline on Azure DevOps that publishes an artifact (releasenotes.txt). It also has integration with Slack using (
user1202032's user avatar
3 votes
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Anyone know how to use $CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM across different jobs in CircleCI?

I use $CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM in different jobs in a workflow (but it seems like that get incremented in between jobs of the same workflow)? I did some research and it looks like I can switch to ...
erotsppa's user avatar
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Dev-Ops with bitbucket

I want to improve my current dev CI workflow, I would like to create a server with ISPConfig and some kind of CI tool like Jenkins The catch is It has to all sit on 1 server, I see folks saying ...
Kravitz's user avatar
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Reading two Repos in Azure Build pipeline

I created a Build pipeline in Azure using classic editor and selected empty job instead of using any template. This way provides option to connect only one repository at once. My requirement is to ...
Alex Raj Kaliamoorthy's user avatar
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Is it possible to install RPM build on Debian?

I have a Docker-based Debian Sid build environment for Go. The build script of an is configured to build both .deb and .rpm. The rpm build process of a component I wish to build requires though the ...
Ta Mu's user avatar
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How to make a goreleaser script to build a deb file locally?

I am an absolute novice in Golang but I want to modify a Go build script to build a file locally only instead of publishing it to GitHub.
Ta Mu's user avatar
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Pooled Build Server and Multibranch development to stabilize the trunk?

I'm a Dev in a big (40+ Devs) old (16+Years) SW project. We still work with SVN as source control but we are getting after automation as much as we can. One problem that hounts us is, that 40 devs ...
KFleischer's user avatar
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CI/CD pipelines Azure devops automatic merge after deploy release

I have a classic env. setup like following: I have 2 branches : Develop and Master. Is there any way in azure devops to setup the following rule: When a deploy is succeeded on dev environment (...
Haithem KAROUI's user avatar
57 votes
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Is there a [ci skip] option in GitLab CI?

I'm debugging the use of a report creator. I forgot a line and would like to edit the code without triggering the build pipeline. I know that it's possible to write [ci skip] in the commit pipeline ...
avazula's user avatar
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How trigger a build by a commit in a branch prefix?

On the Azure DevOps, in we git we have a schema of branches where we create a branch per sprint, for sample: sprint01 sprint02 sprint03 ... We keep the 3 last sprint branches, and in this case when ...
Felipe Oriani's user avatar
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Azure Devops: Filter Test Projects in Nuget Build Pipeline

I'm working on a nuget build pipeline. My problem is that my integration test project is being packaged and deployed to the azure artifacts, while my unit test projects are not. The integration test ...
Josh's user avatar
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Organizing the build steps on AzureDevOps

I am new on DevOps world and I am making my first build/release pipeline for a .net web application using Azure DevOps. On the picture bellow, I just add some build steps and create some tasks groups ...
Felipe Oriani's user avatar
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Microsoft DevOps: build triggering vs release

I have this setup: Build 1 builds and trigger Release 1 when finished Build 2 is triggered by Build 1 and release Release 2 If I have one parallel job, can I be sure that: Release 1 is always run ...
mslot's user avatar
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Cancel sibling snapshot dependency on failure

I have a simple build chain configure in TeamCity: build -> create-base-image -> -> docker publish test -> I have ...
elwyn's user avatar
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How to build windows image on azure dev ops hosted agent

The host agent pool on azure-devops to build windows container, Hosted Windows Container is running Windows Server version 1803. But I want to deploy on Windows Server 2019, so instead of using ...
Justin's user avatar
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How to deploy a ZIP or WAR equivalent (built locally via npm)?

I use NPM to build my web project, and it does so nicely to a little ZIP file. Keeps everything nice and light, and I can easily keep bloat down. My current process is to use an FTP client (Win SCP), ...
shanehoban's user avatar
7 votes
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Jenkins: What is a build?

I'm coming from Ops and I don't have a heavy software engineering background. In Jenkins, what is a "build" exactly and why is it named such? When I build a shell/powershell script, I'm not really ...
user1330287's user avatar
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Jenkins in private subnet

For development environment, to be used by multiple developers, we have a pipeline to be created with Git-Jenkins-Tomcat(dev) Do I need to place jenkins in private subnet and access thru bastion host?
overexchange's user avatar
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jenkins pipeline code to build docker images

I am trying to integrate docker build process in Jenkins. I know the things with docker plugin and configure docker agent and template to build it. I want these things to be done with Jenkins pipeline ...
Sunil Bhoi's user avatar
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Can the Angular CLI be used to build and deploy on a remote server via ssh?

I'd like to use the Angular CLI to build the app and deploy it on my remote server via SSH. Is this feature available?
seinecle's user avatar
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Is artifact promotion in this pipeline correct?

I have been tasked with rebuilding my DevOps pipeline and I need some help with a few parts. We will have our code in BitBucket and have something trigger a server to spin up and validate our PR's. ...
Chris's user avatar
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Trigger a job and get the job log on the same page in Jenkins

I would like to trigger the job in Jenkins and also get the log on the same page. E.g. Kind of IDE where we can run the code in one side and get the output on the other side. Are there any tools ...
smc's user avatar
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Configuration of AWS CodePipeline for Android CI/CD

I'm trying to set up a basic CI/CD pipeline for an Android project using AWS CodePipeline and I have 3 steps in the pipeline as follows: Source: Pull project from GitHub repo Build: Build the android ...
user avatar
5 votes
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AWS CodePipeline staged deployments

I am implementing a CICD pipeline using CodePipeline, CodeCommit, CodeDeploy and CloudFormation (I skipped the build part of the pipeline and am going to commit built code for the moment). I already ...
Kappacake's user avatar
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Automated patching of docker images

Docker and other container images have become important building blocks especially for software production pipelines. Unfortunately, several researchers (e.g. BanyanOps) have shown how vulnerable ...
SyCode's user avatar
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Usage of Tasks vs Jobs in Concourse CI [closed]

I would like to know when it would be ideal to use Jobs over Tasks. What I mean is there are situations where we could run tasks within a job that are not dependant to each other in parallel, which I ...
Vipin Menon's user avatar
8 votes
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Condition CircleCI build on what part of monorepo changed?

I'm working on a monorepo project that contains a few different subprojects in different languages. Right now I run three different CircleCI "jobs" on each commit. However, each of these packages ...
langkilde's user avatar
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Multiple gradle builds with docker

I have a multi-branch setup on Jenkins for my Gradle project. I would like to be efficient in terms of performance and cost as well (money!). Meaning, if would like to build my project many times, for ...
Valter Silva's user avatar
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Storing Meta Data for Apps/tools

Have created a number of images via packer and soon coming to the conclusion that binaries/images soon rack up in qty and need to find away to store config data. We are going to use ansible to hold ...
Nick Gleed's user avatar