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Questions tagged [cloud]

for questions about cloud computing: running servers or services in a virtualized environment that is usually run off-site by a third party.

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1 vote
1 answer

Container orchestration vs. VM orchestration in the cloud

I'm trying to understand the specific use cases where we'd prefer to use container orchestration (Kubernetes) as opposed to VM orchestration (Nomad) in an unmanaged cloud setting (e.g., EC2) It seems ...
0 votes
1 answer

Docker cloud hosting with persistent storage

I need to find a cloud provider to host a simple docker service but with a persistent storage attached. I know I can achieve this using GCE (VM + docker + volume mounted from VM) but this looks a bit ...
16 votes
3 answers

How to avoid "retry storms" in distributed services?

A "retry storm" is caused when clients are configured to retry a set number of times before giving up, a retry policy is necessary because of packets loss will occur in normal operation of a service. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Network policy - Kubernetes

The back-end is deployed in K8s and the Front End is a mobile application. I would like to isolate the communication between the Back-end and the Front-end. And after some research, I discovered that ...
0 votes
2 answers

Deploy multiple instances of the same application Kubernetes

I'm developing a web application in NodeJS and I want to create multiple instances of the same application to deploy it in multiple subdomains of my main domain. I want each instance to have the same ...
1 vote
2 answers

Enable/disable resource in terraform using count

I added a piece of code to support enable/disable to the feature - I used the count. Now I have the following problem: ERROR: on modules/eventhub/ line 110, in resource "azurerm_eventhub&...
2 votes
3 answers

When is it not appropriate to use serverless technology such as AWS Lambda?

With serverless computing using AWS lambda, Amazon(AWS) is taking the ownership of architecture, administration & deployment aspect of AWS services(VPC/EC2/ELB/AScaling/Rtables/SGroups/etc...) for ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to get gcp project name by project id

Using cloud function - trying to make get call to get the project name and with the id - from ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to fetch azure secret if exist in KV using terraform

I am using below terraform code for fetch azure secret and this is working fine when secret is exist in the azure KV. Getting error when secret is not available in KV. data "...
1 vote
1 answer

Root ssh key for ansible control node

Scenario: Deploy 30 VMs using terraform and then run ansible - how many ssh keys do you generate? Virtual machine definition in terraform requires administrator ssh key or password provided. Do you ...
53 votes
3 answers

How do you calculate the compound Service Level Agreement (SLA) for cloud services?

Cloud services hosted by Amazon Web Services, Azure, Google and most others publish the Service Level Agreement, or SLA, for the individual services they provide. Architects, Platform Engineers and ...
26 votes
5 answers

How can I experiment with Cloud (Azure, AWS, Google, etc) without going broke?

Cloud technologies are very hot right now, but they can be expensive. What are the best strategies for learning/trying cloud services without racking up a huge bill?
0 votes
2 answers

Can large scale services use a public cloud managed database service?

Theoretical question: Is it possible for a very large scale service to use a major public cloud managed database service? For example, a service with a scale of Netflix and a service like Amazon ...
0 votes
1 answer

WIndows or Ubuntu server when developing on windows? [closed]

I am developing a MEAN app a windows laptop. Should I use Ubuntu or windows server on my cloud provider? Are there downsides of choosing one over the other?
2 votes
1 answer

Any site to host my little utility script? [closed]

I have a small node js script running in my aws ec2. It is just one file. If I hit the server with a query param, it will do some utility job (like hashing) and return the result in html. Since its a ...
1 vote
1 answer

AWS: Onboarding on premise instance

Is there a way to onboard the Raspberrypi device in AWS. So that the same device can be managed using ec2 console and it can seamlessly work with the rest of AWS services? I am just an experimental ...
1 vote
1 answer

Which cloud region could have the fastest time for a docker image push?

TLDR How to know what region in the cloud nearest to docker hub? Full details From my localhost my network is super slow to push the docker image onto docker hub. My workaround is to use a cloud ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is the DevOps Best Practices for Hybrid environments?

I want to learn best practices, and I hope you could help me with your expertise. In a large organization that uses cloud services and taking advantage of Infrastructure as Code (IaC). My two ...
6 votes
2 answers

What is a "mesh"?

In this context and cloud computing, I read about "service mesh" and/or "serverless mesh" but I don't fully understand what it is. Can you explain?
2 votes
3 answers

What makes a difference between high-cost cloud providers and low-cost ones?

I need to decide, for a small client and a small budget (around $500 a month) the proper Cloud Provider to have some compute instances to hold a web server, a database and an Apache server. I was ...
12 votes
7 answers

Is there one website that contains all relevant DevOps news and gets updated on a daily basis?

I am looking for some DevOps news channel like that shows the headlines of the Dutch news. I am aware of and, but this does not contain ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to dynamically create digital ocean droplets without password change?

I am working on a web app where that I divided into two blocks: 1. One for front-end. 2. One for backend doingheavy computation which won't be used every time Both parts of the web service are hosted ...
0 votes
1 answer

Quest for a missing release of Apache Cloud Stack

Is there any public evidence of Apache Cloud Stack release Namely, what I can find so far, there is only, but an instance I can observe reports to be a See also: https://...
0 votes
1 answer

Reset time vs alerting window size in alerting strategies for SLOs

In I don't understand how the reset time can be 58 min when the alerting window size is one ...
1 vote
1 answer

What considerations should be taken into account for a good log file format?

We have a practical question I struggle to answer : What is a good logfile schema? Here are the caveats: There are several workloads, each writing more than one log file Applications are on more ...
1 vote
2 answers

What does 1 vcpu mean precisely/exactly?

When we are talking about "1 vcpu" in different cloud solutions: Q: What exactly does it mean? Ex.: if I will use a 10 vcpu machine for the same cpu intensive process (which only uses CPU) then I ...
6 votes
2 answers

Securing communication between cloud VMs without private networks. Any strategy besides building own VPN? Spiped?

I am working on an application that requires a number of different services (web application + database + worker queues, XMPP server for messaging, redis, central authentication via LDAP, etc). For my ...
8 votes
6 answers

Cheapest and easiest way to run a periodic Docker process

I have a dockerized Python process that a client would like to run once or twice a month. It calls a number of Google APIs and stores the results in a Google Sheet. It does not accept network requests....
1 vote
2 answers

Is OpenStack the same type of software as Azure, AWS, etc.?

I'm not sure how to ask it. Is something like OpenStack the same thing as AWS and Azure, except it is Open Source? If I wanted to create an onsite cloud for a Production environment, can OpenStack (...
0 votes
1 answer

Is FaaS required to have an official "Cloud"?

I'm in the process of refining my DevOps skills, but my "Cloud" is more like a lot of scripted virtual machines and monitoring the system. For example, if I have Oracle VM Server, and I install ...
0 votes
2 answers

Any suggestion for a provider to deploy a first Dockerized application?

To conclude my Docker course, I would like to make my students deploying an app on some cloud provider. A priori, the deployment will be on a single host using docker-compose (i.e., no swarm, no ...
3 votes
2 answers

How to install a private managed Kubernetes on-premise?

Where do you start in case you need something like a managed Kubernetes solution to setup a multi-tenant orchestration solution on-premises? Any entity with its own container infrastructure has an ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is there any latest technology which will replace Docker, Kubernetes in future? [closed]

What's the future of engineers starting career in tools like Docker, Kubernetes?
1 vote
3 answers

What are the tools you recommend for deploying / automating / organizing vm in the private cloud

I manage a set of virtual servers in a private cloud on vSphere. In this private cloud we have several sets of servers that host several web applications such as: -Webpress web sites -Phone ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is openstack public cloud like Google drive, aws where we can store data?? Or something else?

I am using cloudberry to backup data. There are lot of options where we can store data like Google drive , aws and also openstack. I got confused because I was thinking openstack as operating system ...
0 votes
1 answer

Are there dialects of YAML or just differences in parsing it?

We use YAML in several frameworks to define types and structures for our deployments. I read an article about why some people don't like YAML and they stated that the parsing of YAML is very different ...
0 votes
3 answers

Availability/Reproducibility of Ubuntu Minimal as Docker image

While for Debian you find on Docker Hub "slim" distributions, it seems not the case with Ubuntu. Now there is a "minimal Ubuntu for public clouds" distro from Canonical, but I can find just cloud VM ...
2 votes
2 answers

Identifying a benchmark to compare overall performance of VM virtualization vs hardware

Which performance index is most suitable to find out real performance of your VM limited by sharing and quotas? For example, if you have a physical server with 4 cores and 16 GB RAM, its performance ...
8 votes
3 answers

Running unmanaged Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) in the Cloud

I have to admit to never having asked, or been asked, the question if it is possible to have a Hardware Security Module in a public cloud, by which I mean Google, Amazon or Azure. Has anyone found ...
0 votes
1 answer

What are best practices for securing connections between CI and artifact managers in the cloud?

Bitbucket, github, circleci are examples of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) tools in the cloud. In the past, a lot of companies ran all services, like CI/CD and artifact ...
4 votes
1 answer

CI/CD with a GPU cluster

With typical continuous integration environments, you configure an environment capable to execute compilation and test batches (agent, slave..) coordinated by a scheduler (master, server..) But what ...
-3 votes
1 answer

How much it will cost for AWS for deploying a inventory management application [closed]

I am developing an inventory management application i want to use AWS EC2 . which will have 10-15 users and storage about 2GB .as a newbie i could not understand the pricing can somebody help me how ...
1 vote
1 answer

simulate SQL DB usage pattern of a typical cloud native web app with sysbench?

As far as I understand sysbench is for bencharking / test max. performance of a database server. I wish to simulate DB usage pattern of a typical cloud native web app (Twelve-Factor App). Is this ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to securely delete a file from a virtual disk in a cloud provider?

Considering that virtual hard drives are generally formatted using something like ext3 that abstracts away from the underlying block device, which in and of itself is an abstraction over the top of a ...
3 votes
1 answer

availability calculation of a azure service fabric stateful application

I have looked at the question and answer in How do you calculate the compound Service Level Agreement (SLA) for cloud services? I have a service fabric application which has a stateful service which ...
5 votes
1 answer

Large number of host emulation

What would be the best way to emulate (or really to instantiate) a large number of hosts / virtual machines / docker containers in the cloud? Assume I want to run a scenario where 10,000 hosts are ...
5 votes
1 answer

Geographically, where are the travis-ci jobs run?

Where are the travis-ci servers located? Does travis-ci leverage AWS EC2?
5 votes
2 answers

How to shut down a stateless app gracefully?

Quote from CF training on twelve-factor app’s processes are disposable: Apps should also shut down gracefully (but can also die unexpectedly). Cloud Foundry stops routing traffic nearly ...
5 votes
1 answer

Defined start sequence of containers

AFAIK you cannot influence the order how Docker Swarm starts containers for services. Is that possible with: Mesos? K8s (Kubernetes)? Rancher? Other? This question is not about specific ...
2 votes
1 answer

openstack instance metadata

With Openstack Nova CLI I could set or get instance metadata with nova meta set/get ... but with the openstack "all-in-one" CLI that option does not exist. Is it possible to work with instance ...