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In kubernetes, I want to restrict my pod scheduling on worker node if memory utilisation of worker node goes above 50% of its capacity?

For eg: worker node(W) have 64GB of memory and 16vCPUs resources assigned to a pod : cpu - 4 , memory- 8GB Now only 4 pods can be scheduled on worker node(W). How can i achieve this ? Node affinity , ...
Swetank Rawat's user avatar
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keda-add-ons-http-interceptor pods are in CrashLoopBackOff - not sure what is missing here [closed]

{"level":"info","ts":1733906885.9611363,"caller":"interceptor/main.go:44","msg":"starting interceptor","timeoutConfig":{&...
user48765's user avatar
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Spread pods over cluster

Current using AWS's auto-scale policy to start EKS worker nodes (min+desired 10, max 15) on a fixed time every day. There are 120 pods and 30 deployments. Obviously, only one node will be up firstly. ...
again's user avatar
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