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Questions tagged [fargate]

AWS Fargate is a serverless compute engine for containers provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

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Best practice put nginx + django in AWS subnet private?public?

I want to put the fargate container which contains django + nginx However what subnet should be used for? At first I put this in public subnet, of course it works well. However, is it possible to put ...
Dekishigrash's user avatar
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AWS FARGATE ECS - Exact steps to deploy new Docker images with aws CLI

We run services in AWS FARGATE... our Docker builds are tagged before we push them to AWS with a Makefile. I committed changes to a Docker service, ran make, and I see the new Docker image tag when I ...
Mike Pennington's user avatar
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How to communicate between AWS ECS containers

Problem How do ECS containers communicate between each others? Situation I use docker compose ecs integration. In AWS docker context, docker compose up did a deploy correctly. But reverse proxy doesn'...
Omori's user avatar
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A service by AWS that routes traffic based on simple logic

Background we currently use google distance matrix (GDM) apis a lot to help in core business functions. As the cost of GDM went up, we worked on switching on cheaper alternatives. We decided to use ...
abbood's user avatar
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AWS ECS Fargate, auto scaling and load balancer

For a ECS service with launch type "fargate", it is possible to configure a load balancer and auto scaling. I don`t understand, how those two types of scaling work in this case, and how they ...
user1383029's user avatar
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Can I use AWS Step Functions to launch many different fargate 'runs'?

I am building a service that has two independent steps. The first step is a data transformation step that has to happen and is common to all downstream processes, then the second is starting a few ...
Brad Davis's user avatar
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Use Sqlite database on ECS

I have an application which uses SQLite database and want to migrate it to AWS ECS service. It's dockerized and have access to DB file via mounted volume. Is there a way to make this work with ECS? (...
Most Wanted's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

In what way does a new ECS Fargate service not satisfy the task definition's required capabilities?

When creating a new AWS ECS service using a Fargate task, in the AWS Console wizard, it fails with the following error: Failed creation of Service Service creation failed: The specified platform does ...
stoft's user avatar
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Startup of ECS Fargate task fails with ResourceInitializationError mount.nfs4 Connection timed out

When starting up an Amazon ECS task with launch type FARGATE it fails with the following reason: ResourceInitializationError: failed to invoke EFS utils commands to set up EFS volumes: command failed ...
stoft's user avatar
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RDS DB migrations using ECS and Fargate

I run my app with Docker and ECS. How can I handle database migrations? With fargate there doesn’t seem to be a way to SSH into the container to run any commands so I can’t run my RDS MySQL migrations ...
ajyvardan's user avatar
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2 answers

Configure VPC for ECR access

I am creating my infrastructure with Ansible. I create a VPC and an ECS cluster where I use Fargate to run my docker containers. When the tasks are started I am prompted that the task was not able to ...
Kyu96's user avatar
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AWS permissions for Fargate and SSM

I'm trying to create some infrastructure for a service I am building on AWS using AWS Fargate. I'm using SSM as a value store for some of my application configuration, so I need both the regular ...
Ertai87's user avatar
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How to use ecs service dicovery

I'm trying to use amazon service discovery to register a Redis server in order to be reachable by other ECS services in the same cluster. I'm using EC2 to deploy my services not Fargate, so service ...
Mohamed's user avatar
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