Questions tagged [grafana]

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3 answers

What is the Prometheus and Grafana ideal setup?

I am just wondering. If I have many environments monitored via Prometheus, what will be the best configuration? The security and efficiency are already important for on-premise installations but ...
gervais.b's user avatar
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Grafana sometimes can't resolve prometheus hostname [closed]

Scenario I deploy grafana and prometheus onto EKS cluster (AWS K8s service). If I use prometheus service's fqdn (prometheus-server.monitoring.svc.cluster.local) as the data source, grafana sometimes ...
Tran Triet's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Initial Configuration: Grafana and Prometheus inside docker and then AWS

I'm a bit of a newbie with this, but I haven't been able to find an explanation. Here's my issue. I'm trying to get Prometheus and Grafana configured on an AWS Fargate instance. I'm testing inside a ...
Joseph Larson's user avatar
3 votes
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What is a good storage for storing performance results and visualizing in grafana

Intro I am a tester and need to analyze the results of automated tests (response times and etc.) Current situation 1) I run performance tests using 2) During test execution, response ...
GrimSmiler's user avatar
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How to collect statistics from CI over time?

CI environments like GitLab (self-hostet and Cloud), GitHub, CodeCov, Codacy, ... collect statistics over time, so a developer or team lead can see the evolution of the project over time: number of ...
Paebbels's user avatar
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Grafana K8s microservices availability dashboard based on actuator uptime

I need to create a dashboard that is using micrometer prometheus spring actuator endpoint to show all services for a given namespaces in green boxes or red boxes depending on status, the boxes should ...
anVzdGFub3RoZXJodW1hbg's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Keeping graphs of terminated Kubernetes pods in Prometheus/Grafana

I love using Prometheus/Grafana to monitor and tune resource usage on my Kubernetes clusters. When pods are terminated, however, the graphs are disposed of it seems. I am looking for a solution to ...
David West's user avatar
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2 answers

Log/Data rotation in Docker Container

My question is more on the concept or best practices to follow. I have two docker containers running InfluxDB and Grafana (monitoring applications). I have mounted external volume to each. now, the ...
Chandella07's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to filter label_values in Loki?

I want to create a query variable in grafana using Loki that returns all the possible label values of the label baz such that they only include label values that exist where the label foo equals "...
user2324712's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Monitoring Kubernetes CronJob & Job in Grafana for today day only

I'm trying to create a Dashboard in Grafana that will show the status of Cronjob & Job success & fail. Currently i'm using kube_job_status_succeeded to get a status job, but the issue here ...
DagaReiN's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to add Grafana Stack alerts to other graph types?

I am using Grafana 8.3.0, on-premises. When I create dashboard panels of type Graph (old), I get an Alerts tab and I can create alerts. But other graph types don't have that. What am I doing wrong? ...
Jay Imerman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Local Prometheus and Grafana Installations to Monitor a Kubernetes Cluster

We want to start our monitoring off the cluster on a local server. Is this practical and will it be feasible and reasonable to hook local Prometheus and Grafana installations into a Kubernetes ...
David West's user avatar
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Grafana NGINX reverse proxy not functioning correctly

I seem to be having trouble with Grafana behind an nginx proxy. I'm getting console errors and errors in Grafana, and the changes I try to make in Grafana are not working. Errors: From within Grafana ...
baxtmann's user avatar
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Where to install Prometheus for Kubernetes monitoring

I'm considering using Prometheus to monitor and analyze different metrics from my AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster running in Fargate, as it seems to be the standard tool during these times. However, ...
Nicolás García's user avatar
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Is it possible/fine to run Prometheus, Loki, Grafana outside of Kubernetes?

In some project there are scaling and orchestration implemented using technologies of a local cloud provider, with no Docker & Kubernetes. But the project has poor logging and monitoring, I'd like ...
AivanF.'s user avatar
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Is there a way to make Prometheus to scrape only the metrics which are present in Grafana?

As a customer of Grafna Cloud, I need to minimize the number of DataSeries that are being sent (remote_write) to Grafana Cloud, to avoid being overcharged for metrics that I don't really use. This can ...
Meir Gabay's user avatar
1 vote
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Are there cheaper alternatives to cloud watch logs for creating dash boards?

Iv set up a grafana instance. I want to create dashboards to get metrics on lambda functions but useing cloud watch logs would be expencive. Are there any cheaper alternatives to achive this that ...
doug's user avatar
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Pometheus-operator - modify Grafana mixin dashboard

Whenever I try to edit the provisioned dashboards I get an error stating that the provisioned dashboard can't be edited. I saw that there is an option to allow changes from the UI, but my questions is ...
anVzdGFub3RoZXJodW1hbg's user avatar
1 vote
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Expose metrics for Kotlin using JMX_Exporter to prometheus

I am trying to use JMX_Exporter for my kotlin code to expose metrics to prometheus in order to show it in Grafana. I have gone through many articles and tried to understand how could it be done. I ...
Radiant's user avatar
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Can Mimir read secrets from Volume mounts?

We have kyverno on our work k8 cluster with a policy that says Secrets must not come from envFrom statements. So I am trying to setup mimir-distributed chart (version 5.1.0) to use secrets from ...
Phil's user avatar
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get node_exporter metrics for a single system user

I have installed the node_exporter within the userspace of a linux system user. Everything works and I get the metrics in my grafana. But what I get is apperently the metrics for the whole host system ...
Vietna's user avatar
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Configurable "Ingress filter" to prevent Grafana Loki for storing log item

I'm currently setting up a stack with Grafana and Grafana Loki to store, query, and analyze logs from different web applications. Most applications run on .NET using Serilog and the Serilog.Sinks....
Markus Knappen Johansson's user avatar
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Grafana Open Source and SSO

Is it possible to configure SSO for grafana open source? I'm using the open source solution, and I want to configure sso for my org.
Ido Segal's user avatar
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1 answer

Are Grafana alerts handled if Dashboard is closed?

I am using Grafana Stack Enterprise (on-premises) to monitor my servers via Prometheus. I created some alerts in dashboard panels. Are these alerts processed if I close my browser that has the ...
Jay Imerman's user avatar
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1 answer

Add more static instance labels in prometheus config

I'm adding serves to my prometheus config like this: - job_name: cluster1 static_configs: - targets: - - - server3.example....
Vietna's user avatar
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1 answer

Snapshot or Saving Prometheus Data for Performance testing and comparison

I have an application and system that exposes its resource metrics to Prometheus and Grafana that I want to do performance testing on. I want to be able to conduct a test, capture the metrics on CPU, ...
DogEatDog's user avatar
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Log monitoring/metrics dashboard with images/video

I have a system that generates both textual log/metrics data, as well as images. I'm looking for some tool that would allow me to track the log data (a la Kibana or Grafana), but also let me embed the ...
Alec's user avatar
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1 answer

Add an Actuator Button to Grafana Dashboard

Hi everyone and Thank You for reading. I have built a dashboard with Grafana. The sensor readings comes to me from a MQTT broker and are stored in Inflixdb. Now I want to add a button on the ...
roberto bruzzese's user avatar
0 votes
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How to deploy loki-stack helm chart with CRIO?

I am trying to configure loki-stack using a helm chart to my k8s cluster. Since my k8s cluster uses CRIO and not docker (which is common nowdays) I need to change the pipeline_stages: config map to ...
user2324712's user avatar
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Promtail vs. Grafana Agent

I'm running a couple of containers in a Docker Swarm and am setting up a logging system using Grafana Loki and Grafana (up to ~50GB/log per day max). For log shipping, I'm partly scraping container ...
honest_annie's user avatar
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Stateful alerts in Grafana

In Grafana, is there any way to make stateful alerts? For example: Make an alert that triggers if there is any significant (say 5σ) deviation from recent historic trends. Make an alert that only ...
benjimin's user avatar
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1 answer

No targets in Prometheus at Kubernetes

Why are there no targets at my Prometheus? I did everything like in the Prometheus documentation. Also, I have pods with the label: "name=cadvisor". I have the following configuration file: #...
Denis Bibishkin's user avatar
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Enable data visualization (Prometheus stack) for Developer

I'm Adding Pod Metrics Acess to EKS User, Here is the RBAC for AWS EKS with Role and RoleBinding, I had given most of the access to the Developer for their Usage, Here is the Role defined for EKS: ...
Ravi Kyada's user avatar
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Write_Prometheus plugin with basic auth

0 I am testing the below Write_Prometheus plugin to send the cassandra metrics to prometheus server which is external machine but i see that all metrics are sending without any basic auth happening. ...
rohit singhal's user avatar
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Monitor Container Load Average with Grafana Agent and Cadvisor (Docker Integration)

I’ve configured Docker integration on Grafana Cloud, utilizing Cadvisor and Grafana Agent to monitor Docker containers, and it’s been effective for most metrics. I’ve been referencing the metrics ...
Liquid_Soap's user avatar
0 votes
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How to set correct mount permissions of Minikube grafana pod

I have a minikube cluster with a grafana pod running in it. I have mounted a directory for grafana to use as a persistant volume to store. minikube mount /var/tmp/minikube-folder1:/folder1 I receive ...
Ryu S.'s user avatar
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How do I visualize multiple static Prometheus TSDB files from a single Grafana instance?

I have a requirement in my project where I receive multiple static TSDB files which are essentially Prometheus backups and then visualize these on Grafana using dashboards. I am looking to understand ...
PunitK's user avatar
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Best way to rollout open telemetry helm operators and resources in a multi-cluster K8s Setup

I am currently tasked with building an observability pipeline based on open telemetry. We are looking at shipping all 3 key signals (metrics, traces, and logs) to the Grafana cloud. We also have a ...
sage's user avatar
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kube-prometheus-stack/grafana - Getting "too many redirects" error

I have a Kubernetes cluster with the kube-prometheus-stack Helm chart ( installed. NGINX is used as the ...
Joseph Gagnon's user avatar
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Unable to deploy grafana using helm

I'm new to grafana and prometheus, started working on it from last few days. I'm having some issues. I build a new grafana image and I am using the official helm repo to install it. On using the ...
Alexy P Thomas's user avatar
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micrometer exposing actuator metrics vs kube-state-metrics vs metrics-server to set pod request/limits

micrometer exposing actuator metrics to set request/limit to pods in K8svs metrics-server vs kube-state-metrics -> K8s Mixin from kube-promethteus-stack Grafana dashboad It's really blurry and ...
anVzdGFub3RoZXJodW1hbg's user avatar
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Grafana Status Panel Plugin - genereate status box for each entry from a Prometheus querry

I am trying to create a dashboad out of process_uptime_seconds{namespace="$namespace"} querry from Spring Actuator. and Prometheus as datasource I am trying to build a single stat box menus ...
anVzdGFub3RoZXJodW1hbg's user avatar
0 votes
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Replace/Consume Istio's Prometheus/Grafana by existing Prometheus-operator

I have multiple K8S clusters that have Prometheus-operator Helm chart installed in monitoring namespace. Each operator consists of Prometheus/Alertmanager/Grafana. Aside from it I have Istio Helm ...
anVzdGFub3RoZXJodW1hbg's user avatar
-1 votes
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Help: Coordinating Serverless Functions and Tracking Performance

I have a few questions about Nuclio serverless functions that I would appreciate some answers/suggestions. I am completely new to the tools I'm about to mention, as well as the concept of Serverless ...
Round Robin's user avatar
-1 votes
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Promtail does not sent logs after restarting the host

I have a Loki server that receives logs from other servers. The logs from containers have no problem(grafana/loki-docker-driver). However, other logs(Promtail) from log files are not updated after ...
Amir Sabeghi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Unable to get metrics relabeling working on Grafana Agent Integrations

I'm running Grafana Agent v0.36.2 in Static mode as a K8s operator, and I've implemented a combination of Integrations custom resources, and additionalScrapeMetrics (on the MetricsInstance custom ...
user43131's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to enable JWT Authentication for Grafana v8.5.22

I've setup Grafana v8.5.22 on Linux Operating System (RHEL) and tried to enable JWT authentication for accessing dashboards with time limit tokens following below process. Generated Public and ...
Prathyush's user avatar