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Questions tagged [jira]

For questions about Atlassian's Jira Software (aka Jira), originally an issue tracking tool which evolved into a full-blown software project management system for agile teams.

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Tool for deployment via series of Powershell Scripts

I am responsible for continuing to develop legacy software. The software is run as a service on a handful of servers. For making a new release of a component of the software the following steps are ...
blablablup's user avatar
3 votes
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How to get GitLab CI to rebuild on JIRA issue status change?

I would like to start builds in GitLab CI in response to issue transitions in JIRA. I have not found a direct way to do that from searching online. I have found ways to get GitLab to tell JIRA what to ...
jalanb's user avatar
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Reuse Alertmanger Slack Integration into Jiralert template

What kind of changes need to be made to a slack template in order to reuse into Jiralert one? Can I utilize the whole body as it is, can somebody post an example of a working resuse, even for the ...
anVzdGFub3RoZXJodW1hbg's user avatar
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Disable creation of labels in Jira?

Following the base instructions I can't create new Jira item through API request due to failing because of trying to create labels. Even if I am using add_group_labels: false it tries to create label ...
anVzdGFub3RoZXJodW1hbg's user avatar
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StatefulSet or Deployment for Jira on Kubernetes

We are looking into moving our Jira instance on a Kubernetes cluster and one of the concerns that were recently risen is whether we should go with a StatefulSet or a Deployment. So, are there any ...
dimitrisd's user avatar
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Mobile CI: Versioning and Tracking Builds in JIRA

We're in process of defining a workflow for mobile builds across multiple developers. We've only had one until recently, so we didn't have to worry too much about tracking simultaneous feature builds ...
gdbj's user avatar
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How can we automatically transition Epic Jiras based on the transitions of underlying Jiras?

We are keeping track of our software development and engineering components in Jira by having Epics to contain all of the Jiras required for a deliverable. We would like to have our Epics transition ...
Victor Grazi's user avatar
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Is it useful to track dev time with CI/CD?

Estimating is hard, but it is made easier with good record keeping. Is there a known solution to tracking dev time on a ticket by making use of CI/CD to update JIRA tickets or the like with logged ...
avi's user avatar
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How to access environment variable in post-build access for jira plugin

I installed JIRA Plugin for the jenkins. It add some action in Post-build Action menu. One of the action is JIRA: Update relevant issues. When I try to access Environment Variable, it gives error. ...
Nilesh's user avatar
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JIRA plugin on jenkins not set the JIRA_ISSUES variable

I have jenkins job for with GitHub Pull Request Builder. In build, I added first step to set the JIRA_ISSUE variable. JIRA: Add related environment variables to build Extracts JIRA information for ...
Nilesh's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to template JIRA issues with pre-filled field contents?

In first place I look for default JIRA functionality e.g. without 3rd party plugins to simlify and improve the issue workflow. Examples: Simple: Template for an acceptable bug report Probably, less ...
Ta Mu's user avatar
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