Questions tagged [microservices]

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7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Best practice to update (migrate) e.g. users on database server on several clusters

we have multiple clusters - like 6 - and of course, as a dev makes changes to an application and it is deployed it will migrate the table data and so on by flyway/liquibase. But what if there is the ...
Chris Pillen's user avatar
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Istio circuit breaker sending traffic to unhealthy Services

I'm quite new to istio and experimenting Istio circuit breaker concepts, for that I have configured the istio virtual service, destination rules and nginx pods. My virtual service have two different ...
Debugger's user avatar
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Automated preview environments from microservices in multiple repositories?

I have multiple microservices (with Dockerfiles) in GitHub repositories. Although I do unit testing on each microservice, I want to spin up all the services as a preview environment for E2E testing (...
user avatar
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2 answers

Deploy multiple instances of the same application Kubernetes

I'm developing a web application in NodeJS and I want to create multiple instances of the same application to deploy it in multiple subdomains of my main domain. I want each instance to have the same ...
Kardier's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can't resolve service in Kubernetes

Hi all! Please tell me, maybe someone has encountered a similar problem or knows in which direction to think and look. I have a pod that wants to connect to Redis, but we use dragonfly instead, but ...
Moonlight's user avatar
-1 votes
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MicroK8s Pods can not Access MongoDb from in a Multi-Server Environment

I have 2 different servers running on Ubuntu 22.04. The local IP of my server A is On this server I am running MongoDB on docker. I can connect to MongoDB from outside with MongoCompas. ...
Mustafa's user avatar
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How to deploy all services for a preview environment without rebuilding them all when one changes

I am trying to create a preview environment for each pull request. We are using a monorepo with about 2 dozen microservice. To have a fully functional preview environment we need all the services to ...
Yamaha32088's user avatar