Questions tagged [python]

Python is a dynamic and strongly typed programming language designed to emphasize usability.

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Conda environment in docker

I am new to dockerization and I am trying to make a docker image out of git repository. The Dockerfile looks like this, FROM continuumio/miniconda3:latest ENV PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 ENV ...
Shaz's user avatar
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How to collect cumulative report for 32 repos?

We use separate Jenkins jobs to collect unit tests and coverage for each repository. There are 32 such repos. How do we collect cumulative report? Currently we are going into each job and collecting ...
TheDevOpsMonk's user avatar
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1 answer

Conflicts while building AWX-EE custom image

I'm currently building AWX EE custom image with the latest available but it seems latest versions got some conflicts with pip modules. My custom image was working great in July (awx-ee version 22.X 23....
motorbass's user avatar
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Can't get Python with cx_oracle to connect outbound to Oracle server

When I inherently go to make the connection from the python app inside the docker file I get .. I can ping and nslookup from indide the docker container from the I'm a bit confused.. ...
BostonMacOSX's user avatar
1 vote
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Using a different Python version in AWX

I updated a recent playbook module that says I need to use at least Python version 3.8. I run this playbook on our AWX controller. When I run the cmd module and do a "which python3" I get ...
David Desjardins's user avatar
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s3: reading parquet files with a subset of columns as argument; does this reduce data transfer?

I have set of large tables stored as parquets on s3. In python, I'm using: pd.read_parquet(...,columns=columns) I'm reading the files directly from s3, without any database engine whatsoever for ...
user19976975's user avatar
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Options to build a production server as a solo python developer?

I'm new to DevOps and overwhelmed with all the options. I write python web applications as a solo developer, on my local machine. I have a "staging" server and I have multiple websites under ...
DumbMathBoy's user avatar
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Multistage docker build for Python distroless image

This is my Dockerfile for distroless image similar to this example FROM python:3.9-slim AS build-venv RUN python3 -m venv /venv # other installation steps go here RUN /venv/bin/pip install --upgrade ...
GopherM's user avatar
  • 103
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How to get gcp project name by project id

Using cloud function - trying to make get call to get the project name and with the id - from ...
lisa_rao007's user avatar
0 votes
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Publish python package into private repository behind VPN

I'm using Github Actions to publish my python packages automatically. When working with PyPI everything works fine and providing different config to point on different repository is not an issue. But ...
GopherM's user avatar
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Vscode/pytest gives me an error when importing

I asked this question on the regular stackoverflow but i think you guys will be much more competent about this topic. My guess is that is some sort of python setup issue. When I write an import line ...
Ruslan Yakushev's user avatar
2 votes
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CI pipeline including upload to pypi repo

How should a ci pipeline be set up that publishes a python wheel to a private pypi server? Say I have a publish job like this one: publish: image: $PYTHON_IMAGE stage: publish before_script: ...
plazmakeks's user avatar
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My Python application doesn't communicate with MySQL inside docker. Can someone help me?

The connection is not succeeding in docker. Look at my settings: Dockerfile FROM python:3.8.5-alpine WORKDIR /app COPY requirements.txt . RUN python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip RUN pip install -...
Flavio W.'s user avatar
1 vote
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Python not connecting to mongodb in docker container

I have a simple python script which fetches certain values from the mongodb database. The script works fine on my local machine(host machine) but when i containarized my aplication it doesnt work. ...
Avinash Babu's user avatar
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How to speed up environment loading on network drive?

Background: I have about 15 AWS EC2 instances running Windows. They each have local drives and share a single network drive. Each needs to be able to run certain in-development python tools from ...
mars's user avatar
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how to create dynamic stages in jenkins pipeline

I want to use a python script as input to create stages in jenkins pipeline {'job-name': 'Test1', 'action': 'a', 'targetname': 'x'} {'job-name': 'Test2', 'action': 'b', 'targetname': 'y'} {'...
Pavithra's user avatar
1 vote
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How to ensure data protection on remote server?

We have sensitive data from a customer and need to train a Neural Network for our customers. However we have no severs to train the Neural Networks, so we want to rent GPU servers. There are many ...
Bamberino's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Parametrize gitlab ci pipeline

There is the following simple pipeline: build → test → deploy that uses specified python version for all stages, for example 3.8. How can I scale (parametrize) it for python with versions: 3.7, 3.8 ...
Arseny's user avatar
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AWS FARGATE ECS - Exact steps to deploy new Docker images with aws CLI

We run services in AWS FARGATE... our Docker builds are tagged before we push them to AWS with a Makefile. I committed changes to a Docker service, ran make, and I see the new Docker image tag when I ...
Mike Pennington's user avatar
1 vote
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How to add a string to a line when it doesn't exist?

I'm trying to solve a problem where I want to add a setting 'pci=noaer' to all kernel definitions in /boot/grub/grub.conf, but only if the setting doesn't exist. I've managed to get the basic ...
ahuie's user avatar
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3 answers

pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish token value 'does not start with "pypi-"'

I am trying to use the pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish action in GitHub to push a Python package to PyPI. I'm in the team that owns microbiomedata/nmdc-schema and successfully uses a GitHub action to ...
Mark Miller's user avatar
2 votes
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GitLab Maintain versions of the code in GitLab CI/CD pipeline for the develop branch

I would like to ensure that code merged via merge request in a GitLab from the feature branch to our develop branch has always a new unique version (gitflow strategy). Version currently stored as the ...
Ievgen's user avatar
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Deploy to Ubuntu server with python script and awsebcli fails

Just yesterday everything worked fine on our AWS ElasticBeanstalk continuous deployment, but today suddenly fails with the following errors: $ pip install awsebcli -q --upgrade DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 ...
magnump0's user avatar
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Testing docker image builds when low level libraries change

Background In our organization we have many small repos for shared libraries used among our applications. Particularly, we have many Python libraries and Python applications. We have a structures like:...
flakes's user avatar
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Is there any Jenkins plugin for pylint results?

I have Pipeline which run Jenkinsfile. one of the stage is pylint: python -m pylint --rcfile=.pylintrc --exit-zero ${MODULE} > ${WORKSPACE}/testreport/pylint.log I know there was used to be ...
arielma's user avatar
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how can I import python module tkinter in gitpod

I can't import pyton module tkinter in my gitpod workspace. My .gitpod.Dockerfile contains: FROM gitpod/workspace-full-vnc USER root RUN apt update && apt install -y python-tk python3-tk tk-...
makayabou's user avatar
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How to execute a "hello redis" sample python script on a container from the host?

How do I execute this "Hello Redis!!!" sample from the host? root@mordor:~# root@mordor:~# docker container ls CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED ...
Nicholas Saunders's user avatar
1 vote
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403 forbidden error on calling jenkins post api from python script

I am trying to build a python script that will build jobs externally but when I am executing it, throws 403 forbidden error for build jobs call other get APIs are working fine. Below is the python ...
Nitish kumar's user avatar
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Strange behaviour with docker-py

Consider the following setup. Precondition: have a healthy image i.e. service starts up. E.g. docker run -d IMAGE Then, with the Python plugin docker-py, consider the following code which should ...
Ta Mu's user avatar
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Tool or way to support handling dependencies of modules in various platforms (for machine learning in Python)

I am Data Scientist and I have a problem with setting of versions modules like Keras, Tensorflow PyTorch, etc. Although I am using tools like virtuaenv or conda, my code isn't cross-platform, version ...
fuwiak's user avatar
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Continuous deployment of package to virtualenv

My colleagues don't want to create their own virtualenv and deploy my tools from git on their own as part of their automation. Instead they want the tools pre installed on a shared server. So I was ...
rrauenza's user avatar
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How to check minimum code coverage in pull request changes?

I want to force the developers to write unit tests for all new code they wrote. The code is written in python. I want to do it in the Jenkins pipeline. And here is a question. Is there any available ...
kamilos's user avatar
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Connection refused when CURLing to docker container from within Jenkins pipeline

I have a situation with a CI Pipeline I'm trying to implement using Jenkins and Docker . Inside my pipeline I want to: download a python uwsgi web app, build it in a docker container, run it, then ...
remus2232's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it a bad idea to use a web app including nginx, gunicorn and flask in a single docker container? [duplicate]

I want to deploy a web app as a docker container. Currently I need to set up nginx, gunicorn and flask to realize this. There are many guides around to do it in docker but always divide it in two ...
tbzk's user avatar
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How to inject credentials to python virtual env in jenkins?

I am trying to inject my credentials to a Jenkins Freestyle project. The project is building a python project in virtual environment with "behave" created with ShiningPanda plugin can someone help ...
paolo alborno's user avatar
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How to save groovy output to pipeline variable

I have the below code in the jenkisn pipeline: stage ("amd_distribution_input_transformation"){ steps{ script{ amd_distribution_input_transformation url: ...
arielma's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to install aws cli on a self-hosted azure DevOps Windows agent?

I have quite some difficulties installing aws cli on a self-hosted Azure DevOps Windows agent as part of a pipeline. Does anyone have a working solution? What I have tried so far: a) install aws cli ...
hey's user avatar
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6 votes
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What's the benefit of using Nginx to serve a Flask API on AWS?

I want to deploy a Flask API on AWS using Docker. A common way seems to be using a combination of Nginx + app server (e.g Gunicorn) + Flask app. The reason to use app server seems obvious to me. ...
Domen P's user avatar
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How to share variables across instances?

I'm writing TestInfra test scripts for mongo cluster instances using Molecule Ansible. I want to share variables across all the instances. I created a python class, and initialise and update the ...
Abel's user avatar
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How to run WSGI Python server without Apache or NGINX [closed]

Is there a way to run a Python server that uses WSGI bindings directly? I am trying to go with the one process per container philosophy which will naturally get rid of Apache/NGINX from the container ...
MrCholo's user avatar
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Unit Test AWS Glue job in CodePipeline

I have an AWS Glue job written in Python that I would like to perform pyunit tests on. However, from reading and experimenting on my own, there seem to be quite a few dependencies on the Glue service, ...
Preston Martin's user avatar
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How to downgrade Jinja for Ansible?

I'm using Ansible 2.8.0 (ansible --version installed by brew on macOS) which is using Jinja 2.10. I've tried to downgrade Jinja to 2.8 via pip3 install jinja2==2.8, and I can confirm the right ...
kenorb's user avatar
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Python Script in Jenkins

I am trying to run a python script in Jenkins. My Jenkins job is integrated with Jira & on build its gives JIRA_ISSUE_KEY. I want to save the value of JIRA_ISSUE_KEY in a variable. import ...
Prashast's user avatar
3 votes
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How to connect to host during a Docker build?

I have a Dockerfile which I want to run some tests inside of as part of a multistage build. The tests attempt to make a connection to localhost, however it appears that they're not able to connect to ...
Madden's user avatar
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Are AWS Boto3 calls asynchronous?

In the API documentation for Apache Cloud Stack for example, they put an (A) to designate asynchronous API calls. In the Boto3 - Python client API for AWS - documentation as I can't see anything like ...
Ta Mu's user avatar
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How do Django deployments happen on Servers?

I am new to Django six months ago and I learned how to deploy the Django projects to EC2 instances. Basically 1st time when the Django project is deployed to EC2, the instance will be configured ...
user10849817's user avatar
-2 votes
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Where can I find a Dockerfile + required files to create a Flask/MySQL forum/webapp with users?

What I mean, is that I can simply run a command or download a .zip file that results in having a Dockerfile with the whole development environment baked in and includes not just Flask and MySQL set up,...
paizhaulski's user avatar
8 votes
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Passing variables between scripts in a Jenkins pipeline

I have a declarative Jenkins pipeline that looks like the following: pipeline{ agent { ... } stages { stage("Provision EC2 Instance and Set ENV Variable"){ ...
Preston Martin's user avatar
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Jenkins Node Image at Kubernetes Plugin

I'm working on huge pipeline with different development environment (python, node, java). For manage this CI pipeline our teams using Jenkins at Kubernetes environment. I want to give PipeLine node ...
ColossusMark1's user avatar
3 votes
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Passing a jenkins credential (global) to a python script

I have a global jenkins credential and a config script that includes the line API_TOKEN = "Token XXX" For security reasons we can't keep the token in the script itself as its in version control. Is ...
CEamonn's user avatar
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