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Questions tagged [selenium]

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Guarantee latest version of Chrome on Azure VM

We have automated tests run by an Azure pipeline on an Azure VM and would like to guarantee that the latest version of Chrome is installed before running the tests. Is there any way to do this? We use ...
Farinha's user avatar
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4 answers

Is there any Selenium-like software for executables?

I have some app I want to test i.e. it has a window opening up and I want to press some of the buttons and fill in some text boxes, and I need to do the same process multiple times. I heard about ...
ScubaDiving's user avatar
-1 votes
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AutomatedTest selenium chromedriver not running after update chrome

After update of chrome, I have an issue with E2E automation tests. When I run test, it open chrome website with error: CONNECTION REFUSED after refresh of website test passed. Did you had similar ...
Miroslava Karasová's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Jenkins executes Selenium test in headless mode while use `Jenkins as Service`

I have recently installed the Jenkins on Windows 10 Machine (Jenkins as Service) and configured one Maven Project (Selenium project which open chrome browser and executes some testcase). If i build ...
NarendraR's user avatar
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7 votes
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Jenkins Job vs Jenkins Pipeline

BACKGROUND : We have one Selenium automation project which is shared in BitBucket repository. Project is maven project. we have 10 testng.xml files for all modules OVERVIEW: Now we want to trigger ...
NarendraR's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is it possible to run every testing.xml file with different jenkins job?

I've around 100 test method in my testing.xml file. and that testing.xml configured in pom.xml file so I'm able to run my all those testcase as maven test and I'm getting the proper reports and all. ...
NarendraR's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to design headless tests with JMeter/Selenium? (and Docker)

There are of course Dockerizations of Selenium and JMeter - but can they work together? All the tutorials I can find discuss desktop solutions so not headless.
Ta Mu's user avatar
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