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Questions tagged [vpn]

Virtual private network (VPN) is a network architecture for virtually extending a private network across one or multiple other untrusted networks.

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How to test the connection from AWS to an on-premise, private API?

I have an API running in an on-premise K8s cluster. I plan to use AWS for load balancing/access/auth/etc to expose this API to the public internet. To forward requests from AWS to my API, I am ...
dvidg's user avatar
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Publish python package into private repository behind VPN

I'm using Github Actions to publish my python packages automatically. When working with PyPI everything works fine and providing different config to point on different repository is not an issue. But ...
GopherM's user avatar
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Is it possible to make the minikube VM use the VPN configuration from the host machine?

I am currently writing a script that deploys a number of applications to a local minikube cluster for development purposes. This script is working great on Linux, but then I tried it on Mac OSX. When ...
Hannes Knutsson's user avatar
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AWS ElastiCache Redis DNS error - Name or service not known

The Problem & The Question I'm trying to create an AWS ElastiCache Redis-flavored cluster and connect to it from an instance in the same VPC. When I create the cluster initially, I can connect to ...
Zachary Delano's user avatar
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Is cross-region Kubernetes a thing, and if so, what role does VPN place in this context?

Given you are going to overcome risks of a whole cloud region going offline, you would implement some cross-site distribution mechanisms. In terms of Kubernetes, cluster communication would happen ...
Ta Mu's user avatar
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How to automate the key exchange in WireGuard when you deploy a cluster of machines?

Let's assume you want to deploy a cluster of machines on Hetzer Cloud. For simplicity let's call them worker1, worker2, worker3. They need to communicate with a server called master, which will be ...
Philipp Claßen's user avatar
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Accessing remote servers through a VPN tunnel from within docker container

My laptop has an IPsec VPN tunnel set up to access a remote site (with my side being the VPN client). As an experiment, I started up a simple docker container on my laptop using docker run --rm -it ...
Gautam's user avatar
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Port forwarding for Windows Server like SSH port forwarding

I have a Windows server 2019 that have many VMs instances (running using HyperV). Each VMs has its own private IP and has some apps running inside and expose via ports. It looks like: VM1: running ...
Chau Giang's user avatar
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Is there a limitation in AWS to open an IPSec VPN connection?

Consider the following situation (for test purposes): there is a public IPSec VPN endpoint (StrongSwan); a machine with either Ubuntu (Strong Swan client) or Windows OS (native client) running in the ...
Ta Mu's user avatar
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DC Jenkins server to AWS servers connection

We are trying to automate the deployment process for our application, our application has two components (one hosted on DC, one hosted on AWS). Now, we are not sure how do we connect the jenkins from ...
Dipak Gunasekaran's user avatar
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Using Amazon VPC provided DNS trough AWS Site-to-Site VPN

Currently I have an AWS VPC connected to our corporate network using AWS Site-to-Site VPN. I can reach my EC2 instances trough the tunnel by their private IP Address. Inside the VPC each EC2 ...
sgargel's user avatar
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Connect two PCs to Azure vnet then RDP from one to the other

I have an Azure vnet setup, to which two PCs are connected via a point-to-site VPN. I was hoping to be able to then RDP from one pc to the other using the IP assigned by the gateway, but this doesn't ...
Slicc's user avatar
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OpenVPN - routing public domain over tunnel?

I have an OpenVPN server running in an AWS VPC and I can ping my servers over the tunnel via their private IP, so from that perspective it's working. Some of our servers have public DNS names server....
Caledonia91's user avatar
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Communication between VPCs and a transit VPC hosting VPN Server without Masking source IP

I am setting up a VPN Server to move all resources behind VPN on AWS, which includes moving multiple VPCs. The simple setup is: I have a separate VPC (VPC1) running VPN Server and another VPC (VPC2) ...
Dhirendra's user avatar
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VPN container providing access to host's LAN?

I'm kinda new to this Docker thing and I'm interested in getting a biffed up VPS for some containers (websites/data, mysql, nginx,, etc) but I wouldn't like to access them in the wild (...
DARKGuy's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to start a VPN connection using Jenkins?

I'm on a Windows Server and I want to have a pipeline project on Jenkins that basically does this: SVN update Build Deploy As the deploy target machine is on a different network, I want to know how ...
Guilherme Castro's user avatar
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Jenkins job using VPN?

Is there a way to connect to a VPN for the duration of a Jenkins job? (freestyle or pipeline, I can work with either). I scoured the plugin list figuring someone might have developed something, but ...
Alex's user avatar
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