None of the issues you present appear to be DevOps-specific to me. > Some of the pitfalls organisations are trying to avoid are: > * Inability to report progress consistently across multiple development teams, for example, if one team reports their progress in terms of the number of equally sized stories completed in 2 weeks; whereas another team reports in storypoints completed in a three-week sprint. This is a problem any company with multiple development teams, or multiple teams of any sort that share a common functionality, will face. The simplest answer is to move them all onto a shared cycle. > * Inconsistent application of a practice means team members can not easily move between teams within the same organisation without learning new ways of working. Again, not a problem specific to DevOps. As with developer teams, you need to increase visibility into other teams and introduce standards to keep people in sync. > * Mismatches in development cadence across multiple teams makes coordinating dependent releases difficult. Once again, not DevOps-specific, but a classic problem of business that comes from far before electronic computers. Reduce dependencies and make it clear when they happen that they are happening, and the effects of slippage, and keep all affected parties informed of schedule changes.