**Background:** There are multiple Bitbucket Repository Issues (BRI). If an issue needs to be edited then an edit button could be clicked and several items, e.g. title and priority could be changed. This works well when some issues need to be changed, but when more than 250 issues need to be changed this approach is tedious.

**Aim:** to update all BRI at once.

**Method:** The current method is to update the issues manually, but when multiple issues need to be updated then it is time consuming. Another approach could be using the API.

*Consulting the API:* `curl -X POST -u "<TOKEN>" https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/<username>/<repository-name>/issues?` did not return any issues.

**Discussion:** As mentioned in the method section, perhaps the API could be used to close all BRI at once, but according to the [API documentation][1] there seems to be no update option.

[![enter image description here][2]][2]

*Why create this Q&A on DevOps?*: The reason is that the ultimate goal is to close an issue in bitbucket by Jenkins when a pull request has been merged. If updating issues using the API works then that will hopefully work as well.

**Conclusion/question:** It is possible to update all BRI at once?

  [1]: https://developer.atlassian.com/bitbucket/api/2/reference/resource/
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/7F1Lf.png