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5 votes

AWS API Gateway: 403 forbidden with disabled API key; error from cloudfront

Besides setting API Key Required = false, I was missing something in API Gateway > Custom domain names: The API Mapping had no stage selected. When I selected dev, the endpoint worked.
soniaseguz's user avatar
4 votes

Amazon S3 bucket does not redirect folder URLs to index.html

CloudFront does not actually have this feature. You can redirect the root object to by setting DefaultRootObject, but there's nothing for ...
user2640621's user avatar
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3 votes

For storing avatars in s3, which approach has the lowest cost?

For the best performance naming many small files in an s3 bucket may not be the best idea unless they user_id is a random string. See how the S3 hashing algorithm works
petrchpetr's user avatar
3 votes

AWS: Using CloudFront as CDN for non-AWS hosted content

CloudFront doesn't care where your origin server is hosted or even who you use for DNS. As long as the Origin Domain Name you provide is resolvable from the Internet (and has valid SSL configuration, ...
Michael - sqlbot's user avatar
3 votes

AWS API Gateway: 403 forbidden with disabled API key; error from cloudfront

When you deploy an edge-optimized API, API Gateway sets up an Amazon CloudFront distribution and a DNS record to map the API domain name to the CloudFront distribution domain name. Requests for the ...
Harish KM's user avatar
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2 votes

Does AWS CloudFront work with a Network Load Balancer?

Given that the Cloudfront is configured to receive external traffic on 443 and send to port 3000, and that the LB responds to a netcat socket connect the problem is on the application server The ...
Vorsprung's user avatar
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1 vote

How to design AWS infrastructure for my online course selling website?

Question #1: Should I create a VPC and encapsulate all AWS services/resources under it like S3, Application, RDS Database? If you use Elastic Beanstalk, you shouldn't have to worry too much about this,...
aboitier's user avatar
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1 vote

404 status code in response from Cloudfront for a single page react application

you can catch an error like 404 and redirect it to 200 and your index.html with custom error pages in cloudfront like shown here
danny kaplunski's user avatar
1 vote

CloudFront -> ELB -> Pod running Gunicorn

Nginx will help you in performing the below items if you need some of them, Then I would say it make sense to add it to the stack Optimize the caching (you can also cache dynamic content. Restrict ...
Al-waleed Shihadeh's user avatar
1 vote

How to setup Cloudfront for Load balancer for a private staging domain name?

My solution is based on signed cookies (find how to implement it here,; I've created a lambda ...
punkbit's user avatar
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1 vote

Cloudfront for ELB, automatic redirection

I needed to whitelist Host, Origin and Referer in the Whitelist Headers section. I've had more issues with CloudFront, wrote a blog post about it, maybe someone will find it helpful: https://medium....
Justyna Zet's user avatar
1 vote

Cloudfront for ELB, automatic redirection

As the issue is happening only with /admin URL, this might be related with cookies which are being passed to the backend application's /admin URL. You may need to check with CraftCMS team (or some ...
Samit's user avatar
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