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2 votes

Increase swap memory in docker desktop

You can directly edit the %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Docker\settings.json file, for example, by setting "SwapMiB": 8192. After making changes, restart Docker. If you installed Docker ...
YassineLbk's user avatar
1 vote

Issue with Removing Unhealthy or Healthy Django + Daphne Containers in Docker Swarm

I've run into similar issues with Docker Swarm and Daphne containers. Swarm's auto-healing doesn't always handle Daphne well, likely due to how it manages health checks. If docker rm -f or docker ...
lostmarien's user avatar
1 vote

Launching compose file from compose file

You can use the extends attribute in your docker compose file. Docker Compose's extends attribute lets you share common configurations among different files, or even different projects entirely. If ...
Ortomala Lokni's user avatar

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