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14 votes

How to create a centralised dashboard to monitor multiple cloud (Amazon and Google)?

I think what you are looking for is an Open Source project that can take inputs from both Amazon CloudWatch and Google StackDriver; there isn't a huge amount out there at the moment, but I will detail ...
Richard Slater's user avatar
7 votes

How to know which user created the GCE Instance

Note: I'm not a GCE user yet, the answer is based solely on documentation. You could be Viewing Audit Logs in the Google Cloud Console, more specifically the Admin Activity logs: Admin Activity ...
Dan Cornilescu's user avatar
6 votes

How can I expose Ingress service on 80 and 443 to the outer world

It's would be better if you will use ClusterIP type as a service than apply Ingress resource on it
Hakob's user avatar
  • 359
5 votes

Open Ports on Google Cloud Load Balancer

info from: Open ports The external HTTP(S) load balancers are reverse proxy load balancers. The load balancer terminates incoming ...
user19467's user avatar
5 votes

GCE metadata not defined on Travis CI

Setting export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=${TF_CREDS} solved the issue.
SamwelOpiyo's user avatar
4 votes

Google Cloud Storage vs Redis / ElasticSearch

I don't know much about Redis/ElasticSearch, but GCS is not really a database-like solution, it is closer to a file storage solution. If you're looking for database-like storage Google Cloud offers: ...
Dan Cornilescu's user avatar
4 votes

Meaning of metrics in Google Cloud Console

It seems that my cluster is capped at 3% of maximum utilization, if I read the units correctly. This makes no sense at all, why isn't it capable of reaching 100% ? Why do you think it does make ...
030's user avatar
  • 13.3k
4 votes

Open Ports on Google Cloud Load Balancer

It's not currently possible to restrict a GCP load balancer's ports and protocols used like you can with an AWS ELB. This is a feature request.
bootbeast's user avatar
  • 189
4 votes

Open Ports on Google Cloud Load Balancer

I looked for that too but I don't think you can as these are the ports used by Google to do LB: HTTP requests can be load balanced based on port 80 or port 8080. HTTPS requests can be load balanced ...
STM's user avatar
  • 141
4 votes

Open Ports on Google Cloud Load Balancer

You can't add deny rules to GC firewall. The default policy is Deny. You can only add allow rules - allow everything you need and let everything else get rejected. Since the ports you need to block ...
13dimitar's user avatar
  • 757
3 votes

How to Remove a Kubernetes (GKE) Cluster node-pool without down-time

If you cordon and drain the nodepool before deleting it, then you can avoid downtime. I use the following script (shamelessly taken from the lazyweb elsewhere and adapted to my needs): oldpool=pool-1 ...
MTvB's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

Google Cloud SQL: Can I change machine type with zero downtime on my database clients?

I contacted the support of Google Cloud about this question and they told me that Cloud SQL isn't build to perform this change without downtime. If I want to be able to make these changes, I should ...
Roberto Geuke's user avatar
3 votes

How to list all users with specific role in GCP

That can be achieved using another gcloud command: gcloud beta asset search-all-iam-policies --query policy:"roles/owner" --project $your_project_id --flatten="results[].policy[]" --format="csv(...
manasouza's user avatar
  • 237
3 votes

How can I send monitoring notifications to Google Chat in Google Cloud Platform?

I think the current solution is to implement some script to send notification. I followed this guide and wrote a Python Cloud Function to do the notifications.
manasouza's user avatar
  • 237
2 votes

Google Cloud Storage vs Redis / ElasticSearch

We had the similar requirement as there needs to be a set of data cached in a server for serving the application (fast processing) and also by end of the day, we would need to sync the data from the ...
Gopi Haran's user avatar
2 votes

How can I download an artifact from Jenkins using the Google Login Plugin?

Thank you to the comment from user54 for the answer. Both of my pasted wget URLs work as long as I'm using the correct value for password. In this case, I needed to use my user's API Token as ...
Jeff Fairley's user avatar
2 votes

How to know which user created the GCE Instance

Not sure if you sorted this out, but I had to do something similar to get who started the instance so I can badger them into stopping the instance if they are not using it. I put together a Logging ...
nomadic_squirrel's user avatar
2 votes

Whitelist Travis CI to Google Cloud SQL

You can find the IP addresses of the Travis build machines here. If you add the IP addresses of the Travis infrastructure you use to your whitelisted IPs in Cloud SQL it should work. Keep in mind ...
user2877036's user avatar
2 votes

How to enable Google Maps and generate an API key using Terraform?

I guess the service ID you're looking for is or if you want to generate static maps. ➜ ~ gcloud services list --available |grep maps ...
Ahmet Aygun's user avatar
2 votes

Download Google Cloud Bucket as a file (zip)

You seem to be confused a bit about how Firestore stores data and what Google is suggesting you do. What is the problem? You are backing up a bucket inside other bucket. This is not correct. ...
Xiong Chiamiov's user avatar
2 votes

How to split traffic in Google AppEngine for specific IP addresses

Yes, it is possible to split the incoming traffic between several GAE app/service versions based on the IP address from which the requests originate. From Splitting traffic across multiple versions: ...
Dan Cornilescu's user avatar
2 votes

Cost-efficient hosting for CI/CD?

Given that you mentioned rarely using some k8s resources, you could explore some alternatives: With gcloud SDK you could create scripts to be executed for the periods you want to reduce GKE nodes (...
manasouza's user avatar
  • 237
2 votes

Cost-efficient hosting for CI/CD?

Try to use only n1-standard-1 nodes and let the autoscaler do it's magic. If you can accept some downtime (and eventually some failures of the CI/CD jobs that should be fixed when you retry) you can ...
Laski's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

GCP - Can't create a tpu on europe-west1

According to "TPU types and zones" TPUs are only available in a very limited set of regions, namely: Europe, Middle East and Africa europe-west4-a (Eemshaven, Netherlands) Americas us-central1-a, ...
Richard Slater's user avatar
2 votes

Running Automation on Google Cloud Virtual Instances using Ansible

You run the command with the user shishir9159_gmail_com but the error shows [email protected]: Permission denied ... seems like the _gmail_com portion of the username is truncated. Can you try ...
Jorn's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Is Google Kubernetes (GKE) worth it for a program that runs once a week?

If your workloads are exclusively ephemeral, the answer is probably not worth the infra management effort of deploying K8S. Kubernetes is best suited for types of workloads that are continuous, with ...
davidmontoyago's user avatar
2 votes

How to list all users with specific role in GCP

Ran into this requirement recently as well. You can achieve this without the use of the assets API. $ gcloud projects get-iam-policy $PROJECT --flatten="bindings[].members" --filter="...
Matthew's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Can I use docker compose to run application container and its dependencies on google cloud or digital ocean, the same as locally?

If you don't want/need platform-specific integrations and transforming your services to a cloud I guess GCP Compute Engine is for you -- it's like a usual virtual machine that you can start, SSH to it ...
Nakilon's user avatar
  • 544
2 votes

How to modify/allow firewall rules of a GCP instance directly from the CLI?

Most probably, you are using the wrong account. Find out which one you are currently using in CLI: gcloud config configurations list gcloud auth list If the selected configuration is wrong, fix it ...
xy2's user avatar
  • 181
2 votes

how to schedule container in GCP

Add any tiny http-server wrapper to your script and deploy your docker image as a Cloud Run service and use Cloud Scheduler that will invoke it by cron.
Nakilon's user avatar
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